Copyright © 2023 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part may be reproduced without the permission of the author/channel
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. Our Arcturian mission in working with you has two aspects. The first aspect is planetary healing and the second aspect is personal healing. We focus on preparing you for the Ascension and also bringing you into a healing as much as possible. In this lecture we are going to explore some new healing techniques which I will encourage you to practice and use. Some of these techniques I have explained before, but some of them are new. I think you are all reaching a point on the planet where clearly you are being affected dramatically, energetically and in many cases health-wise from the imbalances and densities that are permeating the Biosphere. This is a time known as the sixth mass extinction, and the energy and the stress from this has affected all levels of life including the social, economic, political and personal. To begin our journey for personal work and personal healing, I will turn the lecture over to my colleague, Helio-ah. (Tones “Helio-ah, Helio-ah.”)
Greetings, my many starseed friends. This is Helio-ah. It is always a pleasure to work with you on your healing needs. I know that you are receptive to fifth-dimensional healing, and the complexities of the energies that are now confronting you make it a challenge for each one of you to stay in balance. Now our theory of healing has two aspects. Both aspects are involved in the aura and the energy of the aura. The first idea is to send your aura or spirit body away from the Earth, traveling through a corridor to my starship Athena where you can meet with me and come to my healing chamber. Energetically, I work with your spirit body, with your aura, and the theory is that the aura holds the keys and the energy for healings. And if the aura in the spirit body can be purified, cleansed and expanded, then that energy can be transferred back into the third-dimensional physical body.
For this type of work, it requires coming to my healing chambers. I usually send down corridors of light to your home or wherever you are, and then ask you, after you go into an expanded state of consciousness, to travel through the corridors that I have helped establish or Juliano has helped establish, and then travel directly to our ship. There we can work with you and help you to release toxicity in your energy field, connect with your future Self, release traumas from the past, and generally accelerate your energy field. The idea is that you are multidimensional beings, and this means that you live, and you are capable of living, in several dimensions and even several different bodies at the same time.
Through the process of human evolution, especially during the past 300 to 400 years, the main thrust in your culture has been on training people to be in the Third Dimension and to follow the third-dimensional rules and guidelines. And this approach may make you denser and makes you more third-dimensional. Eventually, it leads to a disruption and even upheavals because you are not living in your true nature. You see your true nature is multidimensional. This is very hard for people to grasp, because you are so used to experiencing third-dimensional consciousness.
On the Third Dimension, your ego is involved in accomplishing things that you have set out to achieve, such as earning a living, and trying to become successful and famous. This is pervasive, and it looks like everything that is meaningful is tied into third-dimensional reality and being able to manipulate and work through this reality. Much of this reality is measured in material success, and much of this reality is measured in fame and fortune and money. You and I both know that this type of materialistic focus does not lead to spirituality. There is a place for having materialism. There is a place for having the success in your work, but that is only one aspect of your soul, and we are teaching that your soul and your incarnations are multidimensional, and part of the healing that you need to experience is involved in grasping and in working with your multidimensional selves.
I am especially focused on helping you to interact and relate to your fifth-dimensional, multidimensional Self. There is where the key is to all of the unity and harmony that you need to bring yourself into resonance with the Ascension and with your personal healing journey. (Tones “Helio-ah, Helio-ah.”) My name is an Arcturian word that means “Truth of Self is in the holographic interdimensional world and Self.” This means that you can access all parts of yourself just from one lifetime.
It is a mission. It is a great goal to realize that you are a multidimensional being, and that you are going to use your time on this planet in this incarnation to explore your multidimensional self. This is a great gift. You see, there are two methods to the healings that I do. The first method is to bring you to my starship, and the second method focuses on me coming to you. I can come down to your room and your sacred place. We use that core teaching method when we come down to the sacred area in the Planetary Cities of Light project. In that PCOL project, we activate each place by personally interacting and bringing our Arcturian energy into that new PCOL place.
You can call on me to come down to you, interact with you, and you can make requests from me, Helio-ah, to work with you for your healing. Now I work with cosmic energy and cosmic healing, because there is universal cosmic energy that is available at all times in all places no matter where you are in the universe. The universe has this unique characteristic called isotropic. Isotropic means that the universe has the same qualities everywhere. It means, for example, there is gravity on the Earth and there is gravity 20,000 light years away. There is gravity on other planets, and there is gravity on other galaxies. The rules of the Third Dimension and the Fifth Dimension and the hierarchy of the Ascended Masters work isotropically throughout the universe. Because that means no matter wherever you are, you still are able to connect with the essences and the core of the energy of the universe.
Now, we want to connect with the core healing energies of the universe. And to do that, I have developed this technique and concept called “inducing fifth-dimensional energy flow into your physical body”. I will explain this technique. Bring your chakras into alignment. Your chakras have to be spinning in the proper direction. Your aura has to be relatively calm and vibrating at a good vibration. You can be shimmering or close to shimmering. The aura has to be smooth. And then, when these criteria are met, you can induce fifth-dimensional healing energies into your physical and spiritual body on the Earth.
You do not necessarily have to travel to our starship. You can induce the fifth-dimensional flow into your body now. Inducing this fifth-dimensional flow has many benefits. It helps to release toxicities and helps to solidify the strength of your aura so that you are able to have more protection. It helps you to direct healing energies to certain parts of your body that may need assistance, and it leads you into your true nature, that is, your multidimensional nature.
So take three deep breaths now and prepare yourself for the exercise of inducing fifth-dimensional energy flow into your emotional body, spiritual body and physical body. Become aware of your Crown Chakra, your Third Eye Chakra, your Throat Chakra, and direct them and command them using these words: “I call on my three main chakras to come into alignment with each other now.” In fact make this statement: “I call on all my chakras to be in alignment.” (Tones “Yea, yea, leo, om.”)
Put your right hand on your Third Eye Chakra, approximately three to four inches from your forehead, and very gently begin pumping the chakra like you are inducing air into a tire on a bicycle. You are pumping energy into the chakra, and as you pump that energy you feel more resistance in your palm, because your palm is pushing more light into the chakra. And now as you feel your chakra filling up, then begin to move it counterclockwise. Spin the palm of your hand around your Third Eye Chakra like you are starting to spin a top. Increase the spin, faster and faster. Now let go and the chakra is spinning in perfect alignment and at a perfect speed.
Do the same exercise on your Crown Chakra, pumping the Crown Chakra, and then spinning counterclockwise like you are winding up a top, spinning, spinning, spinning, spinning, and then stop, and then it winds up and starts to spin by itself in perfect alignment. Do this now for your Heart Chakra, pumping your Heart Chakra, rotating your hand counterclockwise, spinning, spinning, let go and then it starts to spin. So you have three spinning chakras, and now by spiritual osmosis, command all of the chakras to be spinning in alignment and pumped up like the other three we just did. (Tones “Helio-aaahhh.”)
Your chakras are spinning in alignment. Become aware of your aura and bring it into the Cosmic Egg shape. It easily responds to commands as your chakras are spinning. The chakras are full of life force energy, and your aura is now in the perfect shape. The Cosmic Egg has no attachments, no leaks. There is plenty of “Pung Energy” (resistance energy) within the balloon-like structure of your aura. You have great feelings of energetic strength. Now your aura begins to vibrate at a rapid speed. (Tones “Ta ta ta ta ta…”)
Call on me, Helio-ah. Invite me into your room, and I bring my corridor of light into each of your rooms. You are in an Arcturian healing corridor of light. Your chakras are in high frequency resonance and are spinning beautifully. Your aura is in the shape of the Cosmic Egg. You are vibrating at a very nice speed, and now, I, Helio-ah, enter your space through this corridor, and I stand above each of you.
I am multidimensional. I can be in many places at the same time, just like you can, and I have my hands above you. The palms of my hands are above you about six feet, and I am sending down to you fifth-dimensional energy. And you only need to say these words: “I am ready to begin the fifth-dimensional inducting flow of light into my aura. The fifth-dimensional inducting flow of light is now coming into my aura through Helio-ah.” I am inducing the flow of fifth-dimensional light into each of you. It is coming in through the Crown Chakra. Feel this induced flow of fifth-dimensional light, strong, powerful, vibrating, spiritually balancing you. Experience the inducted flow of fifth-dimensional light. We will go into silence for a few minutes as you experience the strong induction, and I, Helio-ah, am in each one of your rooms activating, distributing, this healing flow of healing, fifth-dimensional light. We will be in silence for a while. (Silence)
You are gathering this fifth-dimensional light flow around your energy field, and it is storing itself up. Just allow it to flow in and around you. (Silence)
I am above each of you. My palms are very powerful, and I am connected to my starship Athena, to my healing chamber. I am sending healing light to each of you. The connection is so strong. It is coming from the palms of my hands down over your Crown Chakra, and it is being distributed over your entire spirit body and your physical body at the same time. (Tones “Oh, oh.”)
Now the second part of this exercise is what I call receiving the laser light. I want you to imagine that I, Helio-ah, have the ability to send you different spectrums of light. Some of the spectrums are broad and cover a wide array of vibrational energies and colors, especially when we do a general healing like we started today. But there is also what I call the laser-focused direct laser light. You have seen lasers; you know how focused they are. Laser light is like the pin or a needle, bright, dense, and carries huge energy healing potential. I call this healing method the laser surgery or laser surgical light.
Imagine that you have a particular organ that you are concerned about. Maybe it has a tumor on it or maybe it has plaque. Maybe there’s some kind of build-up that does not belong there. And so, in the laser healing technique, I am standing over you as before, and instead of sending you this general healing light, I am sending through your Crown Chakra the laser pointed healing light. It is purple, and you can direct it to wherever you want to remove any unwanted densities in your body. Any plaque, any tumors, any build-up of densities that need to be broken up and flushed away can be removed by this laser light.
The first part of this healing method is the sending of this laser light. The second part of the method is that you direct it to where you want it. The third part is that we wash it away after the density is broken up. During the first part, receive the general spectrum of light containing Arcturian laser surgical light. During the second part, identify now an organ that may be weak and needs help.
We are going to send you a laser Arcturian, surgical light, and together we will direct it at the place that you request. (Tones “Yeah yo yo, ta ta ta, ote ote ta ta ta.”) Laser spectrum light… we are directing it to the organ or organs for this laser surgical intervention. We will go into silence as you receive it now. (Tones “Ote ote ote.”) (Silence)
The Arcturian laser light is going directly to the organ you direct me to send it to, and it is breaking up any densities that you and I identify as needing to be cleared. (Tones “Swish, swish, ooh ooh yeah ha.”) Each one of these tones and sounds raises the laser healing frequency to the necessary point of maximum healing. (Tones “Ooohhh, eh, aaahhh, ooohhh, eeehhh.”)
Experience the breaking up of the densities, and now I, Helio-ah, send what I call the “purification light”. It starts from your feet, goes upward, gathering any of the densities and bringing them up the corridor, away from you, washing them away from your energy field now. (Tones “Swish, swish, swish.”) The amount of discharge is quite amazing. Just allow it all to be released and discharged, and the flow is going upward from your feet, and out away from you, including all of the negativity, all of the densities that have been collected.
Let us go back and do a second round again of this laser light now that you have experienced the first Arcturian healing laser. I, Helio-ah, am above you in a corridor of light in your room. We have induced a fifth-dimensional flow of light, and now I open up my palms and send a blue Arcturian laser healing light through your Crown Chakra, inviting you to direct it at any portion of your physical body, any portion of your aura that needs this laser surgical intervention from the Arcturians. I am turning on the laser blue light now. (Tones “Swish, swish, swish, swish.”) Arcturian laser blue light is directed to your organ of choice, breaking out all densities. We will go back into silence now. (Silence)
Visualize, to the best of your ability, laser blue light being directed where you feel is the most beneficial and see the healing, see the organ wherever it is you are working with, return to normal healthy flow of light. Now experience a fifth-dimensional inducted flow of light into your aura, and feel a stronger flow because you have released with the laser energy so much of the densities that you are now able to vibrate at a beautiful, higher level. (Tones “Ta ta ta ta…”)
Take three deep breaths. You are still in the corridor of light that I have sent down to you. Now, this corridor of light is connected to the Arcturian Crystal Lake. In this heightened state of consciousness, travel with me through the Earth corridor of light that you and I have been working with. Enter the corridor and travel with me at the speed of thought directly through the corridor to the Arcturian Crystal Lake. Arrive at the top of the lake, and looking down, you see your fifth-dimensional body and multidimensional Self, meditating in this heightened state of consciousness where your fifth-dimensional Self has been receiving this energy and light that we have been working with. Find your fifth-dimensional body sitting around the Arcturian Crystal Lake, and enter it now in perfect alignment.
You are now in your fifth-dimensional body. You can be 80 percent in your Arcturian fifth-dimensional body, 20 percent in your Earth physical body. You can be 50 percent in one and 50 in another. Always there must be some percentage left for the physical body. Use this affirmation: “I embrace my fifth-dimensional Self now.” You are going to heighten your fifth-dimensional Self because the fifth-dimensional Self is like the spiritual athlete that has been working for many lifetimes. Your fifth-dimensional Self is able to work with a higher quality of light and a higher intensity of light frequencies.
I, Helio-ah, raise the etheric crystal in the center of the lake, and this etheric crystal is now 10 feet exposed from the top of the crystal, while the rest of the crystal remains under the water. This crystal is emitting this high frequency of spiritual intensity that you can only experience in your fifth-dimensional body. You cannot experience this high frequency in the Third Dimension, because your third-dimensional body is too coarse. In your fifth-dimensional body you are able to process and integrate this crystal energy. The crystal energy is rapidly synchronizing energetically with your Third Eye. The crystal emits this light like a lighthouse in a harbor. Each time the light from the crystal goes around the circle, then it synchronizes with your Third Eye Chakra in your fifth-dimensional body, and you receive this new burst of spiritual upliftment. It begins now. (“Choo, choo, choo, choo.”)
Your fifth-dimensional spirit body is being elevated by a fifth-dimensional cosmic healing flow or induction of energy. (Sings in high tones.) Allow 30 more seconds of this intensity. (“Swish, swish.”) (Tones “Ta ta ta ta.”) That is right; your fifth-dimensional body is able to receive this high frequency induction expanding in your multidimensional presence. Now we want to bring down and transfer this fifth-dimensional energy back to the Third Dimension. Now in the transfer you are going to lose some intensity because remember we are bringing you back to the Third Dimension, but you will be elevated in the Third Dimension now.
Feel your fifth-dimensional spirit body rise up out of your multidimensional body around the Crystal Lake. Feel your spirit body enter the corridor of light from which you came, and travel now at the speed of thought directly back into the room from which you started. Your spirit body is now six feet above your physical body, and at the count of three, reenter your physical body and bring the totality of this frequency of light directly into your physical body. One, two, three, now! Your third-dimensional body energy field is very receptive. Your fifth-dimensional, multidimensional body has brought down this higher light frequency. You are now integrating this at the highest level. (Tones “Oh, yea, oh.”) Say this affirmation: “I have successfully integrated this download of fifth-dimensional light now.” You are connected to your multidimensional presence. You are connected to the healing light from Helio-ah. You can call on me again for the Arcturian laser light healing. I see each of your spirit bodies now in the Third Dimension. They are vibrating; they are clear; they are purified. They are light, flexible, and they are holographic. You are now able to interact holographically with your multidimensional Self. I, Helio-ah, am going to return back to my starship. I return these corridors of light back to my starship. I embrace each one of you, and I ask you to call me whenever you need my healing work. I am available and eager to work with each of you. I am Helio-ah. Good day.