April 1, 2017
Human Evolution, the Noosphere and the New Humanity
Copyright © 2017 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians!
We are approximately five years past the 2012 alignment (Author’s Note: Actually it has been four years and almost four months). The energy that was released and directed towards planet Earth at that time has caused awakenings, shifting in consciousness. But it also has caused confusion among people because of their inability to adjust to the new paradigm that comes with such a higher energy download. Many people now are still operating under the old paradigm on this planet. The old paradigm can be compared to an earlier version of a computer, or perhaps an earlier version of the Windows operating system, such as version 3.1. The earlier computer versions, such as the Commodore 64 computer, were amazing in their time and provided fantastic upgrades to calculations and other menial tasks that were unpleasant and sometimes too difficult to perform quickly. But now we are in an advanced computer age. If you are running an old computer or an old paradigm or old operating system, then you will not able to process and keep up with the dramatic changes. If you are using an old paradigm, then your processor, i.e., your mind, isn’t able to compute and calculate fast enough to keep up with all of the variable events that are now occurring. Therefore, this means that the understanding of the significance of the events would not be clear to you. You would not be able to make decisions on the information that you receive, because you are without the proper integration of all of the variables.
It is not a good thing to make planetary decisions with insufficient data or insufficient processing of the data. And believe me, the amount of events and the corresponding data that is occurring on this planet now are overwhelming even for the Starseeds. The list of events that are occurring in the biosphere, including politically, economically or socially, are so numerous that a gigantic computer with a highly advanced processing unit would still have difficulty analyzing and making adjustments and predictions. It has been said that even the high tech computers that are used by the weathermen on the Earth still are not advanced enough to predict the weather accurately for the next couple of days. Often, the computer analysis of weather patterns remains inaccurate. Of course, advances in computer weather predictions are being made.
Now, the whole point of this discussion is that there needs to be a new paradigm. Therefore, there needs to be new processors, and there needs to be more highly advanced data analysis to make sense of what you are experiencing on the Earth. Primarily, I am referring to your understanding of events from the point of view of the mind, which includes your mental ability to process events.
We know about the four worlds and the four bodies. The four worlds and four bodies include the mental body, the spiritual body, the emotional body and the physical body. These four states are often referred to in Kabbalah as the four worlds.
The mental body is important, and it is the mental body of the Creator that produced the thought that started creation. So the speaking of the word that started the creation actually came after the first thought to start the creation. This means that how your mind functions, analyses and makes sense of this world, is important.
Let’s look at some of the mental responses that are characteristic of this very complex time period in 2017. I hear many Starseeds say, for example, that what is happening does not make any sense, or it is very chaotic. Some of the Starseeds say that the Earth events that are happening now are depressing. They also say that what is occurring on this planet now looks quite hopeless. Other will say, “Well, let’s have the divine intervention right now to stop this terrible destruction and suffering and pain which is happening on so many different levels.” I have to say to you that the amount of suffering and pain on this planet is enormous, especially if I would compare it to how other planets are balancing and working in harmony with their Nature and the biosphere. Certainly, I cannot say that Earth is working in harmony with Nature and the biosphere, even though there are some people who are trying to do this. The overall effect of the powers that run this planet are not in accordance with Nature and natural laws. Of course, I also hear the statement from Starseeds that they want to leave this planet. They say that this planet is too out of control and too painful, and it’s time to just pack up and leave.
Such statements bring me to the other important point about understanding the belief systems. The mind is helping to create this reality, and what you think is directly related to how you interpret the reality, and it is also related to your own belief system. It is so important to purify and have the correct mental outlook and belief system in this time. Part of the mental outlook and belief system has to be based on a new paradigm. You, too, have been brought up in the old paradigm. What is the old paradigm? Well, the old paradigm has many aspects to it, but basically it is based on male dominance, control and using the natural resources of the planet for personal gain and benefit. The old paradigm says that Man must use his ability to control and manipulate the planet and the resources and society for selfsatisfaction, and I may throw in “consumer satisfaction”. This paradigm includes the concept of the capitalistic world. Capitalism is not based on a spiritual paradigm at all, and those who use this capitalism as a basis for ruling this planet are finding that it’s not working in solving the planet’s problems. When people use older thought forms to solve new problems, they paradoxically continue to focus on those old methods more strongly, thinking that they have to be more forceful to get the desired result.
I want to relate this discussion of paradigms to states of consciousness, because there is a state of consciousness that is lower, and there is a higher state of consciousness. Interestingly, there is even a state of consciousness in which you reach a point where what is good and what is bad doesn’t make a difference anymore. You reach a state which is usually characterized by a statement such as: “All is as it should be. Everything is in divine order.” From that higher state of consciousness, you are not bothered by what is happening because you know that everything is as it should be. You realize that there is an unfolding divine plan that is leading to a higher order.
There are various natural and artificial ways to reach such a state of consciousness and or mental state. For example, getting drunk would be one artificial method to get into another state of consciousness, and in that state, you might not care about pain, or you may not care about things that really concern you in your normal state. There are also drug induced states of consciousness where you are working with a shaman. Through working with a shaman, you can reach this altered state, of course. There are particular meditations which are very complex and difficult to activate that also produce a higher state of consciousness.
There is great truth in this perception of “all is as it should be.” But it is only a temporary state. When you come back from an altered state of consciousness to the “Third Dimension”, you might now feel a sense of hopelessness. For example, from the third-dimensional perspective, you would have great difficulty in seeing the pain of animals, or the suffering of the people during drought or starvation.
It is hard to say “all is as it should be,” especially since that pain and suffering that you see on the planet may not be acceptable to your heart. Then we have the paradox, which is that all is as it should be from the higher perspective, but in the third-dimensional perspective, the situation has to be changed. How are you to deal with this? That’s why we are working with you to develop a new paradigm to try and process and analyze and put everything into the right perspective. Part of this process is going to rely on your ability to use the correct mental perspective. Again, I want to emphasize that the mental has been the highest form and is the first of the four worlds.
Now I want to look at the concept of higher wisdom to help us resolve this paradox. Wisdom is part of the mind, and includes higher understanding. You need to make the connection between what you intuitively know and understand so that you can implement changes on the Third Dimension. For example, there are people who intuitively know that cigarette smoking is bad for their health, and they might also know from a realistic and scientific standpoint that cigarette smoke pollutes the lungs. They could understand that cigarette smoke causes cell damage to the lungs. But the final piece is stopping smoking. The person has to put it all together and make that decision, and that third and last step is the most crucial. Failing to stop smoking, even with the right understanding and knowledge of the harmful effect of smoking, is the most critical step, and this is where many people fail. They lack the ability to implement what they know. Why is it that people who seem knowledgeable and intelligent can’t put it to together? I am sure you’ve have asked that question when you see how people are treating the environment and the air pollution or contamination. It’s obvious that wisdom would tell you polluting is bad for the biosphere and for life. There is scientific evidence of that. I am sure that everyone has seen dramatic pictures and statistics of people and children dying from asthma in industrial countries. But still, there is not the will to implement and stop pollution globally.
Why is it that the world cannot implement pollution-free industry around the planet? We have talked about the four worlds the mental, the spiritual, the emotional and the physical. Now let’s talk about two states of consciousness that I will describe to you now. The first state is the Animal Consciousness, the Animal Self, also sometimes called the Lower Self. The second state of consciousness is called the Higher Self. The Higher Self can connect to the new paradigm that must emerge now around the globe.
This new paradigm includes spirituality. The paradigm says that everything is interacting with everything else, and what happens in one part of the world affects the whole world. The new paradigm says that your mind and your thoughts can influence the implementation and manifestation of this reality. This part of the Self also contains both the Middle and Higher Self. The Middle Self is that part of you that is wanting to rise above the Animal Self and do good. The Middle Self also is trying to rise above your self-centeredness. Some people call that self-centeredness narcissism. The Middle Self wants to do good and wants to be of service to humanity.
Being of service to humanity is an important aspect for the Ascension. Service is a way to overcome some of the negative karma that you may have accumulated in other lifetimes. And of course, those of you who are doing service in any way can be eligible for phenomenal grace, because in this highly accelerated time period, the opportunities for both service and grace are tremendous. When you are doing service, there are great opportunities for grace and for overcoming of collective karma.
Those who are in power in many parts of this planet and those who are also supporting those who are destroying and damaging the planet are coming from their Animal Self. They are coming from their Lower Self, which is that part of the Self that wants self-satisfaction. The majority of humanity is basically connecting to the Animal Self. Humanity is trying to evolve a step above the Animal Self. It’s only a couple of thousand years since you as a species have left the primitiveness where the Animal Self was dominant.
There are those who have intelligence and seem to have some understanding and some wisdom, but lack the ability to make the connection so that they can manifest and change. This means that they are primarily dominated by their Animal Self. Of course, this is a sad state of affairs. There is only a smaller percentage of Starseeds and ethical and spiritual minded people on this planet who are trying to rise above the Animal Self.
Let us take a moment and meditate on the difference between the Animal Self and the Higher Self because you still have your Animal Self, and you still have to respond to it in some way. You cannot say, “I don’t have that Animal Self”, because you do have it. To say that is a denial of reality. You choose to focus and expand your consciousness to the Middle and Higher Self. Say this affirmation: “I am connecting now to my Higher Self.” And when you connect to your Higher Self, you can make that connection for implementation of the wisdom and understanding that you have achieved. You can make that connection for improving your manifestation. I used the example before of the cigarette smoker having the intuition that smoking is damaging. The smoker does have the scientific knowledge about the damaging effects of smoking. When he connects with his Higher Self, then he can learn, connect and implement whatever change is necessary.
So again, let us meditate with this affirmation: “I am now connecting to my Higher Self.” (Chants OOOOOOHHHHHH twice.) Remember, you’re not blocking your Animal Self; you are simply focusing on your Higher Self. You still need your Animal Self. To raise your Animal Self when you are going to eat food, then you can say a blessing before you eat, and that raises the vibration of eating and the Animal Self. There are some people who might say, “Well, everyone is contributing to the destruction of this planet. Everyone is driving a car. Everyone is eating beef or eating meat.” Some people, of course, are vegetarians, but even still, your vegetarian food has to be brought to the store, and people are using gasoline engines to deliver it to the store. So everyone has a part. Of course, there is some truth to this view. But you can still raise the vibration of the activities by blessing or by devoting the energies that you are using for the survival of your Self. You are then using higher energy to promote the Higher Self.
Let us now transfer the thoughts of the Higher Self to the new paradigm for the planet. My perspective as an Arcturian teacher leads me to the concept of the Noosphere for planetary healing. The Noosphere is involved in planetary change and evolution of the human species. We need to understand how the Noosphere can effectively be used for planetary change. One of my observations through traveling the galaxy and visiting other planets in the universe is that I noticed stages of development of the planet, and I’ve referred to those stages of development in a simple description of Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4 and Stage 5. I noted that the Earth is at the end of Stage 1 in its development. I describe this stage as a crisis of survival versus selfdestruction. I have also described it as focusing on the conflict between spiritual wisdom and technology. This theme and crisis deals with humanity’s animal nature and Animal Self.
Humanity has developed a superior technology, but then they are using this technology still from the animal side to create greater military gain and enrichment instead of balance and harmony for the environment. Eventually from that standpoint, such technological development will lead to self-destructive mechanisms, such as nuclear bombs, nuclear wars and contamination of the environment, including radiation contamination. But those who go on as those planets go into Stage 2 overcome that crisis and develop a higher level of functioning that overcomes the danger of selfdestruction and makes the commitment and manifests spiritual wisdom as the driving force of the planet. Or, to put it another way: connect to the Higher Self and make that the primary motive instead of acting from the Animal Self which is now dominating the Earth.
One characteristic of these planets that develop into Stage 2 is a more highly evolved Noosphere. Those planets that are in Stage 2 have a more sophisticated and developed Noosphere which has many positive results. One of the great positive results is that the planet is more in harmony, because the beings on the planet are in harmony, because the beings on the planet are more in harmony with Nature. Eventually, erratic weather patterns, climate disasters, catastrophes from earthquakes and volcanoes almost totally disappear from that planet.
I would like to compare the Planetary Noosphere to the human Subconscious. Let us look at some of the principles of the human Subconscious and how those principles are similar to the Planetary Noosphere. One of the principles on the human Subconscious is that whatever is inputted is received and manifested. The Subconscious does not generally differentiate between the types of input it receives. The Subconscious can be compared to a computer. One of the humorous jokes that a computer scientist makes is “garbage in garbage out.” If you are inputting bad information into the computer, you will get bad results and inaccurate data. So, “garbage in garbage out.” The memory chips in the computer do not differentiate between whether the data you are putting in is right or wrong, good or bad. The personal Subconscious operates on that same principle.
There are safeguards coming from the Higher Self which, incidentally, affect the Subconscious. When you develop as a person and go into states that are beyond the Animal Self, then you develop your mental body. You soon learn the rule that what you think and what you believe can change your Subconscious. There are ways to use affirmations, belief systems, self-talk and other visual methods to communicate positive input into your Subconscious, and you do that knowing that the Subconscious will manifest this new input. Now there are restrictions and there are limitations to the abilities of your Subconscious. For example, you might use the affirmation: “I’m going to be a millionaire. I’m going to have five hundred million dollars.” And you could say that affirmation twenty thousand times. That may not happen and probably will not happen. The reason is that there are certain guidelines and certain learning on how to manifest and how to use your relationship with the Subconscious to manifest on this reality. Part of your coming to this planet now is to learn the proper lesson and technique of manifestation on the Third Dimension. Instead of saying: “I’m going to have five hundred million dollars,” you might say: “I’m going to have everything I need to make my life happy, healthy and satisfactory.” That is real wealth anyway. The real wealth is not having money; the real wealth is being happy and satisfied and getting what you need to continue to live in a healthy and comfortable way.
Now I know there are some people who believe that you have to suffer. I only want to say that on a karmic basis, people who are out of balance in one lifetime and became overly rich and luxurious sometimes do have to come back and lead a more spartan and spiritual life. But for most of you that’s not the case.
The Planetary Noosphere operates on similar principles to the Subconscious. What is even amazing and more beautiful, as the human species is evolving, you are learning more about your conscious mind, your mental state of mind and how it directly influences the Subconscious. Now on a planetary basis, we will look at and teach you the laws of the Noosphere, and in particular, how they are similar to the laws of the subconscious mind.
The Planetary Noosphere is a collection of all thoughts, events and energy that have occurred on this planet since the beginning of its history. It is an actual energy field, and it can be compared to the mental energy field. The Planetary Noosphere has recorded and experienced all events, including the different extinctions that have occurred, including the Ice Age extinctions and the extinctions of the dinosaur. The Noosphere even records the times when the Earth was climatically in a very tropical condition and when the Earth was struck by an asteroid. There were times when the Earth was in danger from Atlantis when scientific experiments became dangerous and led to the destruction of an entire continent. All these events are recorded in the Noosphere. The planet does have a consciousness. It is a planetary consciousness, and it’s a selfregulating system, and the planet does return to a balanced system. What is different now is that you are in a state of evolution where an opening has occurred for humanity. This opening states that humanity can learn how to direct the planetary evolution and Noosphere.
There are several important laws about the Noosphere. The first law states that the Planetary Noosphere does interact with the Human Consciousness, the Collective Unconscious and the Human Subconscious. The second law is that mankind is now part of the Earth’s Noosphere. The third law is that the Earth’s Noosphere oversees and controls the evolution of all species on the planet. This occurs through various techniques, including the visual images that are in the Noosphere and also the collective data on what needs to occur to make the necessary judgments. The fourth law states that the Planetary Noosphere also is connected to the Galactic Noosphere and Galactic Consciousness. The fifth law states that some of the paradigms and some of the higher thought forms about creatures, plants and animals have been downloaded into the Planetary Noosphere from higher galactic sources.
The alignment with the Central Sun did create an opening in which new images, new paradigms, new thought forms and new evolutionary possibilities have been downloaded into this Planetary Noosphere. These ideas are ready to be manifested with the proper input and with the proper ability to implement them through special planetary healing techniques. Another law of the Noosphere is that those with higher Arcan or thought power can have a stronger influence on the Noosphere, which helps to create higher evolution and higher manifestation. This has been demonstrated in particular by the great prophets who have been on this planet and who have been able to have a strong influence on mankind. The prophets who came to the Earth were not talking about integrating the Planetary Noosphere with the Human Consciousness. This integration is the next level of human evolution. The next paradigm and the new prototype of humanity are contained in the Earth’s Noosphere.
Another law of the Noosphere states that the higher prototype of humanity will manifest when humanity interacts with the Planetary Noosphere. The paradigm for that next stage of evolution in humanity has to include an interaction with the Planetary Consciousness and the Planetary Noosphere. This has a lot of ramifications. Earth is your mother. Earth is your starting point for your ascension and your basis, your springboard, into the higher realms and higher dimensions. Your evolution is interrelated with the Earth’s Noosphere. Another rule for working with the Noosphere includes the fact that you can more positively and more strongly influence the Earth during sacred times and places. You can have a stronger influence in the Earth’s Noosphere during sacred time periods, such as special holidays. Also, when you go to sacred places, use sacred energy from your own use of crystals, for example. This will increase your ability to affect the Noosphere. You can even unite in ceremonies with other spiritual groups, and at those times you would be able to have even a stronger influence on the Noosphere.
Let’s again return to the comparison of the Planetary Noosphere to the Subconscious. One of the rules to change behavior is to change the affirmations or the commands or directions that go into the Subconscious. We found that these commands or affirmations must be said in a certain way. For example, in sending affirmations to the Subconscious, we might say: “If it’s in the highest good, please let as much wealth come to me as possible, so I can live and have all my needs met.” Notice we add the affirmation “if it’s in the highest good.” When you’re working with placing affirmations into the Noosphere, then you would also use words like “if it is in the highest good.” You might connect your affirmation to the Ring of Ascension to intensify your Arcan power.
Another thing we know about the Human Personal Subconscious is that visual images are often more powerful than words. This means that placing pleasant and balanced images in your Subconscious can be effective in helping you manifest what you want in your Earth life. If you want a new house, visualize yourself in a comfortable house, smiling and happy. Seeing yourself in a very comfortable house would be a good image to download into your Subconscious. For planetary healing, picture the ShangriLa-type Planetary Cities of Light and pristine clear Planetary Ocean Reserves of Light around the world. Those images then can be downloaded into the Noosphere.
Finally, and equally important, is to download the new image of the next stage of evolution of humanity, the new Man. Remember we talked about that new Man possessing expanding consciousness. The new Man is living from the Higher Self, not from the Animal Self. The new Man that is living in harmony with the planet and balancing all planetary energies. We see this as the new evolutionary stage. How many different species of Man have been on this planet? I could not name all of them, but you’ve all heard of Australopithecus, Neanderthal Man and CroMagnon Man. Now we’re moving towards a new human going beyond Homo sapiens. I love the word “starseed”; that is certainly a descriptive word that could fit the next prototype. Let us together focus on the prototype of this higher being, this new human that has the Starseed Consciousness. This Starseed Consciousness does include, naturally, the galactic energies and the awareness and knowledge of the other lifetimes on this planet. It also means that the starseed has the ability of expanded consciousness which can go beyond the Animal Self to the Higher Self. The new Man can live in a harmonic balance and interact with the Noosphere and can understand and receive the higher energetic downloads from the Central Sun, which contain the prototypes for the new humanity.
Let us now focus in our meditation and visualization on the new human evolutionary starseed. We will go into meditation. By the way, as you are meditating, let me point out that some of you may have trouble visualizing what that image would be of the next evolutionary stage. I would recommend using the image of Sananda or Ptaah or any Ascended Master that has spiritual human form that you are comfortable with. Each of the great Ascended Masters is trying to upgrade the human prototype to facilitate going to the next evolutionary state. This idea of the new Man must be held in high imagery in the Earth’s Noosphere. You, with the Ascended Masters, are inputting the next prototype for the new human. Expanded consciousness is the next stage of human evolution. You and I together must help download that prototype into the Noosphere, into your Subconscious, too. Because you want to manifest and be part of a new prototype. With expanded consciousness comes greater psychic powers, greater healing abilities and powers of manifestation. All of the great Ascended Masters have great abilities to manifest on the Third Dimension. (Chants OOOOOOHHHHHH.) May the light shine within you, and may your thoughts be powerfully projected onto the Noosphere and onto your Subconscious using Omega light. Let the Omega light brilliantly and goldenly illuminate the image of the new prototype of humanity both in the Noosphere and in your personal Subconscious. This is a powerful connection and healing exercise.
I am Juliano. Good day!
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty