How to Cope with the Dramatic Changes on this Planet
Copyright © 2018 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians! Many of you have asked if we could please focus on how to cope with the dramatic changes that are occurring throughout this planet. Everyone is being impacted, and it is also resulting in a feeling of doubt and, in some cases, a feeling of despair. One of the members said that the fact that everything is so polarized, and there are so many problems emerging, certainly means that the Ascension is closer. I agree that this is an interesting and positive perspective on how to accept and deal with the dramatic changes that are occurring. Some of the earlier predictions of global warming and higher temperatures put this kind of change globally a decade or two decades into the future. No one was really predicting that the global changes would be this soon. No one predicted that there would be so many fires this year and so much record breaking heat throughout so many parts of Europe, the United States and Africa, as well. There are so many Earth changes now. All of the information regarding Earth changes may not be correctly tabulated.
It would be interesting if someone could open up an “Earth Change Center”, and in this center, people would receive Earth change reports from all over the globe. For example, these people would report and record broken record temperatures for this point in the year around the globe. Or they would record that we have had more rains in the past three or four days in one place than has ever been recorded, or that there have been more volcanic eruptions than ever before. This would be a center that would statistically globally tabulate the changes. Even if there were such a center, that center would be overwhelmed with the dramatic changes.
I also foresee that such dramatic changes are going to increase. There is not going to be a lull. There is not going to be a plateau where everything suddenly seems stable, but rather, this type of continual shifting of temperatures, storms and the geological adjustments will increase. What might even be more frightening is that the ideas and perceptions of the “sixth mass extinction” are going to become more apparent. There are going to be more dramatic reactions in the oceans and also throughout the ocean currents and the jet streams. There is going to be a lot of fluctuations in the jet and ocean streams.
I look at these issues and I think a lot about the feedback loop system, and I think about the strength and the sensitivity of the Starseeds. As a Starseed group, you have tremendous sensitivity and tremendous spiritual energies and spiritual powers. You have a vast history of planetary discovery and planetary experiences. In some cases, there are those of you who have even been on other planets that have gone through this crisis. Do not think of yourself as a victim to this strong shifting. You are not powerless in your living here, on this planet. Planet Earth is vulnerable and fragile, but I also know that you, the Starseeds, have extraordinary powers. The most important power, and I would say the most important perspective in coping with these Earth changes, lies in your connection to the Fifth Dimension.
What distinguishes the Starseeds from the rest of the population? The answer to that question is that the Starseeds understand and are establishing and improving their connection to the Fifth Dimension. This strong connection to the Fifth Dimension is really revolutionary in many ways. It is revolutionary in terms of religious and mystical experiences that have been described by the masters throughout the history of the planet. It is revolutionary in the history of this planet. There has never been a movement of spiritually evolved people who are joining together and specifically establishing corridors, etheric crystals, Planetary Cities of Light, Planetary Ocean Reserves of Light.
Global networking has an immediate and profound effect on the collective consciousness and the collective unconsciousness of the planet. That is only the beginning of the description of the power that has evolved in the fifth-dimensional process of connecting the higher realms to the Third Dimension. Each of you are doing the best you can, and I want you to understand that this fifth-dimensional energy and these fifth-dimensional corridors and fifth-dimensional downloading also is establishing a protective energy field around you. The fifth-dimensional work is not just solely for protecting the Earth or individual areas, but it is also set up to protect you. I mean that you have protection in the most basic way in terms of any type of catastrophe that you may be near, or any type of unruliness or upheaval caused by different Earth events. Any of these things have the potential to be upsetting and harmful to you personally.
On the other hand, working as a Starseed with the Arcturians, and connecting with your global connections intensifies the protective energy field around each of you. I am struck by, for example, the pictures of these dramatic fires that are occurring in Northern California. Some streets have total devastation, and then other streets have houses that survived, and it does not even look like there was any kind of catastrophic fire. Know that using and calling on your fifth-dimensional guides and teachers, and calling on the fifth-dimensional Arcturian energies will protect you. Fifth-dimensional energy has multiple powers, which include filtering and repulsing onslaughts of dynamic, negative energy that could come from personal and planetary energetic darts from lower vibrations. You have to be especially careful at this time because of the toxic political environment that is occurring in the United States and also in other parts of planet. You have to protect your energy field.
One of our most dynamic and powerful fifth-dimensional protection exercises is based on the Chinese energy concept called “resiliency”. It is also called “Pung”, which helps to create the ability to repel lower vibrational energies coming into your energy field. Remember, everything is a vibration. All matter is also an energy vibration. In the Earth’s feedback loop system, there are a series of stages and a series of levels upon which directions and communications on how to react is sent into the Spirit of the Earth. Unfortunately, what is now occurring is that negative feedback is being downloaded continually. Some of it is coming from negligence. Some of it is coming from ignorance. Some of it is coming from lack of knowledge, and also a lot of it is really attributed to the lower evolutionary scale of many of the world leaders and people in power.
When I speak of the Starseeds, I am speaking of you as a more evolved representation of humanity. Remember, we talked about the Omega Man, which is the next stage of the evolution for Homo sapiens. Omega Man is represented by you, the Starseeds. You have this greater sensitivity and this greater ability to relate to the spirit of the planet, and the greater ability to work with and to understand the feedback loop system. The feedback loop system reacts to input based on whatever is entered or downloaded into it. I have compared the Earth’s feedback loops system to the personal subconscious. The personal subconscious in many ways is a blank screen and can even be compared to a computer. How you program the computer determines what will manifest on your screen. The computer and the subconscious do not discriminate as to whether the input is good or bad. It just sets itself up based on the input.
The workings of the subconscious mind and the planetary subconscious can even be compared to the personal unconscious. We use the word subconscious and unconscious almost interchangeably. The subconscious is technically right below the unconscious, and information from the subconscious can be retrieved through some conscious thought and recollection. But the unconscious really is not retrievable during the waking consciousness. The only way that the unconscious can be reached is through dreams, art and poetry, and also through hypnotic and trance work. During such work the reach of consciousness is expanded which would allow it to access the unconscious.
The Spirit of the Earth and the Earth subconscious are being given directions randomly without any higher thought by many people who have lower evolutionary thinking. For example, business people may say: “Let us go clear this forest out; we need to use the wood.” They are not thinking about how the Earth will respond to someone totally removing all plant life on a piece of land. The businessman might not think about asking permission from the Earth to take out only a few trees and leave the rest in order to protect the land from flooding.
There is a large systematic program of destruction of the forests on the Earth. It is a sad observation, but there is a force in society that is moving the planet towards negativity and destruction of the biosphere. I have heard some people refer to this force as “Satan”. But we, the Arcturians, do not believe Satan as a real person. We do see that there are darker forces that are in operation throughout this planet – forces that do not have higher consciousness. The darker force for unknown reasons (and when I say unknown, I mean they are not logical) is moving and pushing this planet towards more destruction, more chaos, and there is almost a welcoming of the chaotic response.
I know that there are some people who are misguided and think that inducing chaos throughout the world will lead to more positive change. I have seen this argument used on other planets, as well as on the Earth. Yes, there must be cleansing; yes, there must be a clearing, and so we need to facilitate. We need to help promote the removal of darker forces, removing negativity that will allow the bringing into the Earth of more of higher energy. This is a mistaken attitude, a mistaken belief that chaos always brings in harmony.
I can point out even from the planetary history, that chaos can lead to more chaos. A good example is the Russian revolution which was initially based on the higher principles of universal brotherhood and equality. But this revolution wound up eventually in the hands of one of the worst dictators in the history of modern Man, Joseph Stalin. The Russian revolution started as powerful revolution that was focused on clearing away the old monarchy. This revolution did not result in a better Utopia for the Russian people. There are other historic examples where initial chaos led to worse consequences.
Even though it is a mistaken belief that fostering chaos will lead to a more positive, harmonic balance on this planet, yet there are forces that believe this very strongly and are working towards creating chaos. This is called the darker force. We cannot hide or pretend that the darker forces do not exist on the planet. You are witnessing them directly. Also you are seeing the results of this lack of relationship to the Spirit of the Earth known as Gaia.
You as the Starseeds though are not victims, and you as Starseeds have great spiritual abilities. Let me return again to the idea of protection and the idea of what I call the resilient aura, the resilient energy field filled with Pung. Visualize now your aura. Your aura is beautiful. I see each one of your energy fields, and I am always struck by the complex light and beautiful, spiritual energy fields around you, the Starseeds. You stand out over so many other people. You are really shining lights when I compare you to those of lower consciousness. I want you to feel safe, especially today in this exercise.
Visualize your aura as a Cosmic Egg. Visualize a line around your aura that unifies your energy field. Let us focus now your energy within this Cosmic Egg. (Chants “OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH, OOOOOOHHHHHH.”) At the top of your Cosmic Egg is the Crown Chakra, your highway to the Fifth Dimension, your opening which allows the fifth-dimensional light to enter your energy field. This fifth-dimensional light is a multi-dimensional protective light. Allow this higher light to come into your energy field. And as it comes into your energy field, you expand; you fill up like a balloon with higher light, with oxygen, with specially fortified air. I am standing above each of you, downloading, directing this fifth-dimensional light into your aura, and we will be in silence now as you receive this download. (Silence)
You are processing and receiving this higher light beautifully. Remember that this is multi-faceted energy, so it is providing several different functions. Your aura is like a balloon now and is filling with this light. The Pung energy in your aura is the resiliency, the bouncing back, the pushing away of negativity, but also it is helping you to expand so that you have space within your energy field. This is like you have layers of protection, and then you have the space of you. You could even think of it as a special spacesuit, and you could be on the Moon, and the Moon is getting small meteorites that can penetrate through your spacesuit. This Pung energy around you is a protective energy and can repel even the small energy of the meteorites on the Moon trying to penetrate or pierce your spacesuit.
There is lots of negativity around on the globe, including in the political world, the economic world and in the weather patterns. Now you can repel, you can push away the effects of negative energy by the elaborate, dynamic expansion of your aura, of your Cosmic Egg with this fifth-dimensional download. (Chants “Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta.”) You have this marvelous, protective force field around you, and I said that this energy is also multi-functional. Let this high powered, fifth-dimensional energy that is filling your aura now permeate, go through your physical body, because you are receiving a continual downward flow of this fifth-dimensional light which is coming through your Crown Chakra.
On the one first level it is expanding your aura, but now on the second level, I want you to direct it into those areas of your physical body that need healing. There is plenty of this energy around you. This is a quantum, multidimensional energy. Do not worry about health problems that the doctor says cannot be healed. Or the doctor might have said that this is a blockage, or there is no way to correct a problem. Do not think like that because that is the Third Dimension paradigm. On the Fifth Dimension, all things are possible and miracles do occur.
At the count of three, let this multidimensional energy now turn and permeate your physical body and let it go to in all areas that are needed for a total healing. We will go into silence. (Silence)
Now there continues to be so much extra of this higher light and energy. Send now a gigantic glass bubble around your home. See it form in your mind and allow this multi-functional, multidimensional energy to fill up your home, your environment, the energy around your land so that you are protected in all ways. Let that process begin now, as well, and we will go into silence again as you do this. There is so much of this higher multidimensional light, and there is enough to fill up the bubble around your house. There is enough protective energy to build up the aura field around your house. There is enough to allow the energy to permeate your physical body, as I said it is multi-functional, multi-layered. (Chants “Aaaaayyyy.”) Feel the line around your aura and begin to sense and feel the shimmering of your energy field and the energy field around your home now. (Chants “Shimmmeeerrr, shimmmeerrrr, shimmmeeerrr.”)
I have said many things about shimmering, and I know that it is an effective method. I know that you can use it in your desires to bilocate, and in your desires to thought project. Remember that shimmering also is a way of protecting yourself and protecting your home or even the Planetary Cities of Light from negativity because the shimmering is the raising of the vibrational charge. Shimmering creates a higher frequency that repels negativity, but also it is creating an electromagnetic, higher charge that is going into your aura and your energy field. Everything is electromagnetic; even the thoughts are electromagnetic. The heart is electromagnetic; all of your organs have a certain frequency. They all respond to more balanced and harmonious charges which are created by the shimmering. (Chants “Shimmmmeeerrrr, shimmmeerrrrr, shimmeerrr, shimmer, shimmer, shimmer, shimmer, shimmer, ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta.“) Feel the electromagnetic charge from the shimmering through your aura into your physical body. (Chants “Shimmmmeeerrrr, shimmmeerrrrr, shimmeerrr, shimmer, shimmer, shimmer, shimmer, shimmer.”)
This is a harmonic rebalancing, energetic charge. Think of yourself as a battery, and you know that batteries can run low because the charge is low for a variety of reasons. Now, with this shimmering, it is recharging your battery as well, the internal energetic body that keeps you going on the Earth. (Chants “Shimmmmeeerrrr, shimmmeerrrrr, shimmeerrr.“) This charge is going through your whole body. It is also going through your energy field, and it is going through all of the energy around your home. You are illuminated as a Starseed. Part of the definition of Starseed is that you are giving off light; you are emanating light, electromagnetic, multidimensional, balancing, healing light. Blessings. I now turn you over to Chief White Eagle. I am Juliano. Good day!
Heya ho, heya ho! Greetings. All my words are sacred. I am the Chief White Eagle. The Starseeds have a special relationship to the Mother Earth. You have come from other planetary systems, yet you remember the importance of forming this bond to the planet. And I remember that Juliano talked about your home planet, and I remember how eager you are to return to your home planet. But it is important to also point out that your soul is deeply connected to this Earth. There is an imprint on your soul which means you have a bond with this planet. Maybe Earth is not your home planet, and maybe there is a higher, more evolved planet for you to return to after this incarnation and after this ascension.
There is this connection to Gaia we Starseeds each have. I know that this connection is one of the reasons why you came here, and so I want you to honor this connection today, because you are higher beings who know how to connect spiritually to Gaia. You may not think that this is a higher skill, but believe me, it is a special skill. Juliano said yes, the Starseeds have special abilities, and one of the special abilities that you have is the ability to connect spiritually, and interact with the Spirit of Mother Earth. Unfortunately, there is not a majority of the population who know how to do this. One of the great teachings is that using the Medicine Wheel will help to increase your spiritual connection with the planet. The planet wants guidance.
It is true that humanity is the crown jewel of the Earth. This is another way of saying that a planet that is able to have higher conscious beings has really evolved, and therefore we can say that humanity is the crown jewel, the crowning accomplishment of the planet. Here we have a planet that is over 4.5 billion years old. Here we have a planet that has gone through five complete mass extinctions. Here we have a planet that has gone through evolutionary cycles of ice and various floods, meteor strikes and eradication of life on a grand scale. This is a sophisticated planet. It is not a baby planet, and I say this because there are baby planets – planets that are only three or four hundred million years old. These other planets in the galaxy have life forms on them. But here we have Earth, a planet 4.5 billion years old. If you look at the time on a linear scale, four and a half billion years is a long time. If you look at that timeline, and let us just say that the line is symbolically represented by the length of one hundred feet long, that one hundred feet represents four and a half billion years. Humanity is not even one inch in length of time, compared to the 100 feet length which is equal to the time four and a half billion years. This means that humanity is but a very short space on the one hundred foot line. Earth will survive, but we do not know for sure if humanity will.
We are bonded to the Earth with a special energy. Many of you have asked me about the ascension of planet Earth and the question continually comes: “Well, Chief White Eagle, does the planet have to be ready to ascend? How could the whole planet ascend now because there are so many parts that are of lower energy?” My answer, in consultation with Juliano and others of the masters is: Those highest points, those highest beings of light like yourself will ascend, and the planet itself is not going to ascend in totality, but the planet will ascend in individual sections.
This may seem odd to you. We are talking about a holographic world, and we are talking about a holographic universe. The fifth-dimensional Earth has a light body just like you as third-dimensional beings have a light body. You are not going to bring your lower animal Self with you to the higher dimension. You are not going to bring your worries about taxes or your worries about money or jealousy with you to the Fifth Dimension. Your light body does not want them, and you cannot merge with your light body with those focuses. It is the same way with the Earth. There does already exist an Earth light body on the Fifth Dimension. Those parts of higher light on the Earth, such as Planetary Cities of Light, for example, will ascend to the fifth-dimensional light body of the Earth. And this is how the planetary ascension can be described – the higher parts of the Earth go to the fifth-dimensional light body. The fifth-dimensional light body of the Earth already exists and will receive the higher download, the higher integrations from the third-dimensional Earth.
Let me return to the concept of communicating with the Spirit of the Earth. The Spirit of the Earth is receptive to the Fifth Dimension, and naturally, the Spirit of the Earth is multidimensional just like you are multidimensional. The Spirit of the Earth knows every plant and animal that ever existed on her, has the records of all life forms, has the records of all interactions with extraterrestrials that have come to the planet, and has interactions with all of the external energies from the galaxy. The Spirit of the Earth is like the Grand Canyon which has the ability to record geological histories, millions of years in the past.
The most important things for our discussion are that the Earth responds to your prayers and to your focusing on the Fifth Dimension, and focusing on sending her the fifth-dimensional energy light. The Spirit of the Earth needs the downloading of the fifth-dimensional energy as much as you do. I could say that, personally, without a fifth-dimensional energy download, you would have a much more difficult time coping with what is going on on the planet. But the Earth, too, benefits from fifth-dimensional energy and light. Do the exercise for the Earth’s energy field and the Earth’s aura. Help to open up the North Pole which serves as the Crown Chakra for the planet. Help to download higher energy into the Earth’s energy field Work within your Medicine Wheel, because the Earth loves you talking to her; the Earth loves you honoring her in sacred space.
Let me conclude by saying that one of the great gifts of the Starseeds is the ability to create and work with sacred space and sacred energy. You, the Starseeds, have the ability to widen and make more sacred energy and sacred spots on this planet. This is one of your missions, to balance and hold sacred light on the Earth. There is more need for creating sacred spaces on planet Earth. Blessings. I am Chief White Eagle. All my relations. Ho!
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty