Copyright © 2023 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
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P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. In this lecture, I want to look at polarizations. I know that you are all experiencing tremendous polarizations in your world and in society and in all aspects of your life. There is an interesting perspective I want to present to you about polarizations. The reason is because the polarizations are at the core of the Third Dimension. The Third Dimension is based on duality. I have read with interest the story of the Garden of Eden and, of course, there are many different interpretations. From our perspective, this story presents higher beings that were in the Fifth Dimension and through “the eating of an apple” were brought down into the Third Dimension. From my perspective, the Garden of Eden represents the Fifth Dimension. Now, when Adam and Eve fell from the Fifth Dimension, then they experienced the Third Dimension, and they experienced duality or polarization.
You are on a soul journey, and this experience here on the Earth has polarizations and duality. Being on Earth presents an opportunity for soul advancement. There are many lessons to be learned on the planet and on any planet that is in the Third Dimension. One of the questions I want you to ask yourself is: What lessons am I learning from the polarizations that I am experiencing? There are tremendous learning opportunities on the Earth, but at the same time the experience of polarization is painful, confusing, and also difficult to gain a higher perspective. It is difficult to gain a soul perspective on polarizations and duality when you are suffering, especially when you are suffering from violence and trauma from the polarizations. This means that there are strong feelings, and it is not enough to just tell yourself that you need to transcend or rise above the polarizations. That is a noble thought, and it is a noble method, but it may not work in the face of serious trauma and violence.
There was a famous adage, or aphorism, from the world of psychology, that says “Feel what you feel.” That means that if you are traumatized, then you might feel anger, and that it is appropriate to have that feeling. It does not make sense to say, well, I am going to look for the unity, when your life is threatened. You have to do what is necessary for your survival. Survival is a polarization also. Unity thinking is an advancement, but it requires certain perspectives and rules. When I look at the Ascension, for example, I can tell you that Unity Consciousness is essential to prepare yourself to go into the Fifth Dimension. The Fifth Dimension does not have the polarizations, and the Fifth Dimension does not have the conflicts that you are now experiencing. That means that you will be having this opportunity to be in a dimension that is in balance and harmony, free of violence and hatred and lower emotions such as jealousy. That is a utopia, a Garden of Eden, when you can live in a dimension that has such unity. It is required though to have the proper perspective.
I know that that proper perspective can be developed while you are on the Third Dimension. You may not be able to have the solutions to all of the problems that are embedded in polarizations. But you certainly can study the polarizations and gain a soul perspective. What do I mean by the soul perspective? I can tell you that in one lifetime you probably were on one side of a polarization, and in another lifetime you might have been on the opposite side. Each side had something for you to learn and offer. I can tell you that it is good not to become attached to either side. But remember, I said that when there is trauma and violence, then that idea of transcending the polarization is extremely difficult to maintain. We studied (like you have) the teachings of Sananda/Jesus, and we know of the famous adage about turning the other cheek, in other words, not engaging back in violence if somebody is trying to hurt you. But that higher view is from the fifth-dimensional perspective.
Now, I want to give you a symbolic explanation of polarizations that I believe will provide you some comfort and also, intellectually at least, a model that will help. And that model in symbolic presentation is contained in the Taoist’s symbols of Yin and Yang. Most of you have seen that symbol. There is a circle divided in half and each side is representing an opposite. For the purposes of this discussion, I am going to say that we are looking at a circle; half of the circle is white and half of the circle is dark. One part of the circle could be the white side and that could represent good, and the other side could be bad or evil. You could also say that one side could be light and the other side could be darkness.
What is key for our understanding is that on the white side, the side that represents light and good, there is a small dot that is black. And that means that even in the light, there is an aspect that also contains a spot of darkness. In other words, there is nothing on the Third Dimension that is pure light, even that which you find that is pure light has some aspect of the polarization in it of darkness, or evil. On the other side, you have pure darkness, but there is a small dot on that side which is also light. So even in the pure evil and the pure darkness, there is an aspect of light.
This Taoist symbol is a galactic symbol; it is not just based in the Taoist symbol on Earth. The Taoists received this information about the Ying/Yang symbol galactically. The Taoists were very galactic in their meditations and received continual information and teachings from the stars.
The interplay of the darkness and the light, or the goodness and the evil (that are represented in the Yin/Yang symbol), create the energy force field that drives the Third Dimension. Without that interplay, the Third Dimension cannot exist. That means that there is a core force field that is created and is represented by the Taoist symbol Yin and Yang. The interplay of the two sides is the energy that is the foundation of the Third Dimension. You need that interplay for this dimension to exist.
The Third Dimension is the last dimension that has been formed after the other dimensions. The other dimensions have been in existence before the Third Dimension. Why was the Third Dimension created? The Third Dimension was created for the purpose of soul advancement. And the Creator Light Force knew that the experience of Yin and Yang energy was the best school for soul advancement. This fits in often when you hear me talk about the Earth and why and how there are so many souls lining up to come here now, even in the face of all these polarizations. It is well known throughout the galaxy and throughout the soul worlds that these Earth experiences offer great opportunities for soul advancement.
Now, this is not to excuse the polarizations. This is not to say that the evil that is going on in this world now is acceptable. It is not. There is a balance that needs to be developed. This Third Dimension is a world of light and darkness, and the darkness must be kept in control and must be kept in the proper balance. I know you are not seeing this balance now on the Earth, because this Earth is in imbalance. There are imbalances on so many different levels, politically, economically, socially, militarily.
But the major imbalance on the Earth now is the extinction energy, the energy from the mass extinction that is occurring, which is dark. This man-made extinction comes from dark energies. Nobody in their right mind is happy about seeing so many plants and animals go extinct. And nobody in their right mind would be happy to see how this biosphere is endangered.
Now, I do want to make one other observation that I believe will help you to understand the polarizations. And that is that even the most righteous person who is doing the most good in their life will have within them the inclination towards evil. So, you are born, we can say, with the inclination towards good and an inclination towards evil. You, being star seeds, are committed to your studies and work as planetary healers, I know that you are focusing as much as possible on goodness and providing a healing in any way that you can. But even the most righteous person would have, when they come into the Third Dimension, an inclination towards evil to deal with. Now, this level of evil might not be as intense, or as out of balance as some of the violence that you are seeing now. But it still could be something that would be unpleasant.
I know that in the teachings of Jesus that he at times lost his temper, which again, needed to be in control. But it does show again, that when you are on the Third Dimension, there is going to be that aspect of the darkness even in the person with the greatest light. It is your job to keep your personal darkness in control. It is your job to suppress that darkness the best you can, and it is also your job to acknowledge it and work with it so that it is in balance. There are various psychological mechanisms in order to deal with that dark side. What you are seeing now on the planet is darkness without consciousness. In many cases there is no attempt to control the darkness, but rather this darkness is happening as a reaction.
The basis of the planetary healing and the healing of the polarizations starts in the Subconscious. The Planetary and Personal Subconscious is the royal road to healing, but it also can be a road to darkness and negativity if the person does not have the proper teachings on how to cleanse the Subconscious. What happens is that the Subconscious integrates and receives messages from parents, social groups and society and then manifests those messages either in the immediate future or in the distant future. When people are raised with hatred early in their lives, then they will manifest that hatred later in life. The messages of that hatred will be embedded in the Subconscious. This process of receiving messages, especially from social groups, is called “genetic ancestral subconscious transference”.
This term means that, just like physical genetic traits are passed down, such as having red hair or blue eyes, group patterns of polarization, hatred, dominance and violence are also passed on genetically. This is more difficult to scientifically prove than the genetics in the study of mutations, but it is also easily observed and demonstrated. One of the great issues for the Earth is the genetic transference of ancestral conflict and wars that came from your ancient extraterrestrial ancestors, which include the Lyrans, and also from earlier ancestral transference from the Neanderthal and other species in which the Homo sapiens species interacted with on Earth.
Homo sapiens basically has a history of seeking domination over other species. I observed that the Homo sapiens species is still young, and it is still carrying with it deep subconscious memories of unresolved conflicts that occurred thousands of years ago, which are still being manifested in today’s events. These aggressive thought patterns, vengeance and revenge, are deeply embedded in the Subconscious, and it is time to acknowledge that the subconscious energies are transferred in Homo sapiens through lifetime to lifetime and from family to family and from country to country.
I look at the astrological birth charts of nations, and I could see that there are
great subconscious burdens that are coming from ancestral sources. These ancestral transference energies are seeking to manifest. But it is the job of planetary healers, it is the job of the starseeds, to seek purification and to seek balance from this ancient negativity. This means that we must look for ways to counterbalance the subconscious evil tendencies by more goodness, by more balance and more understanding. At the same time, it is such a challenge, because if you get too involved in the Earth drama, then you lose your perspective, and you lose your ability to seek a transcendent state.
Now, I call that transcendent state “unity” and “Unity Consciousness”. What is it like to live on a fifth-dimensional planet that is in Unity Consciousness? Well, I would say that it is like a heaven when you compare the Fifth Dimension to your third-dimensional life. When there is Unity Consciousness, there is no hatred; there is no competition; there is no jealousy, and there is equal distribution of goods. We are not talking about Unity Consciousness in the negative way, like it is communism or socialism. But rather, there exists an equal access to what people need, and there is a love for all.
There is a method that we recommend for this type of healing of the polarizations that are now being exhibited as conflicts and destructions and upheavals. These negative manifestations can be counterbalanced by purifying the Planetary Subconscious and by purifying your Personal Subconscious.
In this type of healing meditation, then, we seek what is called a benevolent outcome. A benevolent outcome means that the solution is equally good for both sides. And each side then gains what is needed to continue on their soul path and advance.
In the meditation today, I want to first focus on the purification and cleansing of your Personal Subconscious. Each of you has a personal history on the Earth and you have an ancestral history. You do have within your Subconscious either memories or reactions that have been passed down through your family and have become part of your Collective Subconscious.
The second part of the meditation that we will do today is to seek to cleanse the Planetary Subconscious, including the Subconscious of all ancestral groups. The disruptions and upheavals that you are seeing now have been predicted. That is why you have seen stories of the prophets in the Old Testament predicting the great final battle, and that is why there are predictions of End Times. The biblical prophets did not have the knowledge of psychology that is now present. They probably did not understand the terminologies of the Subconscious. But on their spiritual level, they did understand that these thought patterns of polarizations and hatred and imbalances are passed on genetically and in collective memory.
So, let us begin by looking at a method for purifying your Subconscious And I am going to bring you into a state of meditation, and then give you some instructions on the purification of your Subconscious, and then we will move on to working on the purification of the Planetary Subconscious. How are we going to affect what is happening now just by focusing on the Planetary Subconscious? And my answer is, that with the Arcan thought powers that we have, and the focus we have, we can create a tremendous counterbalance to the chaos that now exists on this planet.
I assure you, the chaos that you are witnessing is the result of polarizations which are unchecked and will lead to further destruction. Left unchecked, these polarizations can actually lead to planetary destruction. This is something that the Ascended Masters and the fifth-dimensional guides and teachers, including the Arcturians, are working to prevent, and I know that is something that you dearly also want to prevent, that is, the destruction of this planet and the destruction of this biosphere.
Take three deep breaths and go into a state of spiritual relaxation where you are connected to the Spirit Self, the Higher Self. Breathe deeply. Feel a deep spiritual relaxation. Become aware of your aura, and tell your aura to go into the shape of the Cosmic Egg. You have layers of energy fields around your aura. You have an emotional energy field; you have a mental energy field; you have a physical energy field; you have the spiritual energy field. You have four bodies.
Today, we want to look particularly at the mental energy field because it is the mental energy field that contains important parts of the Subconscious that we want to work with today. Visualize now your mental body and visualize it as a layer of thought fields around your head. See this layer that is perhaps 10 inches wide. At the top layer are the current thoughts, for example, what you had for dinner or what you are going to do after this lecture is over or what you have done today. But we want to go into the deeper layers, the layers of your thoughts that are inherited from your ancestors, even going back thousands of years.
You are part of the human species. You are part of a particular tribe or group, and you will have their thoughts and the thoughts of your father and your father’s father, going backwards in time. This is the ancestral thought field that you have inherited. Now, we want to purify those ancestral thoughts. We want to create a purification of the Subconscious that deals with ancestral memories. We are not going to erase any of these thoughts, but what we are going to do is neutralize any negative thoughts. This will bring goodness and higher consciousness into your Subconscious of all inherited thought patterns. These ancestral thoughts need to be elevated for purification.
Use this affirmation: “I am now sending purification white light energy to my Subconscious. I am sending this white light to my Mental Body. I am now sending purification energy to my Subconscious with this white light.“ See that layer of your Mental Body receiving the white light of purification. We will go into meditation now, absorbing this white light that will help to purify your Subconscious. We will go into silence for several minutes. (Silence)
Feel the purification reaching all aspects of your Subconscious with this white light, neutralizing any polarizations that you may have in your thinking, neutralizing any ancestral transferences that may be counterproductive, knowing that you are helping in the evolution of humanity by this purification of your Subconscious.
(Chants “Ohhhm, Ohhhm.”) Take three more breaths as you integrate this, and now let us focus on the Planetary Subconscious. Visualize the aura of the Earth from the room that you are sitting in, and we are going to look at the Collective Planetary Subconscious.
Together look at the Earth’s aura and its subconscious energy field filled with hatred, filled with violence, filled with chaotic thoughts, filled with energies that go back hundreds and thousands of years. And as we look at this aspect of the Earth’s aura, we clearly see the subconscious energy field of the Earth. It is truly amazing that these subconscious energy thoughts from different tribes and different peoples in different races, and even from races outside of the solar system, are embedded in the Earth’s aura and in its Planetary Subconscious. But today, we, the planetary healers, have access to purifying the Planetary Subconscious. We see how the Planetary Subconscious is creating negative reactions and how people are acting out from these messages or thought patterns that are carried from generation to generation in the Planetary Subconscious. The concept of the End Times has been carried for centuries and is embedded in the Planetary Subconscious. Today, we want to send a purification energy that neutralizes these negative reactions in these embedded thought constellations. There will now be the purification of the Planetary Subconscious.
Visualize again the aura around the Earth and the mental layer that represents the Collective Planetary Subconscious filled with chaotic thoughts that we have been describing. With the powers of your Third Eye, project a white light of balance and purification into the Planetary Subconscious that will neutralize many of these negative thoughts and polarizations, and bring forth a higher balance and evolutionary healing to the Planetary Subconscious. Project this thought: “I am sending healing white light to the Planetary Subconscious now.” Repeat it. “I am sending healing white light to the Planetary Subconscious now.” Transmit that healing from your Third Eye directly to the Planetary Subconscious, using that affirmation. We will go into silence. (Silence)
I can see the power of your thoughts sending a beautiful white energy field of Planetary Subconscious healing energy thought patterns into the Planetary Subconscious. (Chants “Ohhhm, Ohhhm.”) This white light is neutralizing all thoughts of hatreds, thoughts of violence, revenge, and the white light will help to bring forth a new balance of higher thought healing in the Planetary Subconscious. Increase your Arcan thought intensity into the Planetary Subconscious now. (Chants “Ohhh, ohm, yea.”)
Neutralizing negative thought constellations in the Planetary Subconscious takes a huge effort, especially because the Collective Planetary Subconscious also contains negative galactic ancestral energies. It is amazing. There is a lot of darkness in the Planetary Subconscious of the Earth. But there is also a lot of light because there have been great prophets, great Ascended Masters who have come to this planet to bring a messianic healing message to the world. This messianic healing message is going to grow because your thoughts of planetary purification of the Subconscious is like fertilizer for the Ascended Masters, and their powerful messages for creating a new balance of healing and purification on the planet will grow.
Hold the purification thought for a few more minutes with as great intensity as you can feel through your Third Eye. See a white light around the whole Mental Body, Collective Subconscious of the Earth, neutralizing the darkness, paving the way for the light to manifest.
All manifestation begins from the Subconscious and begins from the Planetary Subconscious. We are part of a unified Ascended Master team working for this great planetary healing process. Prepare to return back to normal consciousness. Take one more visual glance at the Planetary Subconscious filled with the white light. Take one more glance at your own aura in your Subconscious that has been filled now with white light, neutralizing all negativity on both the planet and in your Subconscious, and let that white healing light fill your aura now as you prepare to return back to your normal state of consciousness. One, two, three. You return back to a normal state.
You now feel a spiritual upliftment, and you have a more advanced perspective on the polarizations, and you have new tools to combat and neutralize the polarizations embedded in the Planetary Subconscious and embedded in your Subconscious. You are able to neutralize negative polarizations, setting the stage for higher unity. For in order for unity to emerge, you must neutralize the lower thoughts that are embedded in the Subconscious. Then the unity thinking will accelerate a natural progression into higher consciousness. I am Juliano. I send my blessings to all of you. May there be peace on this planet. Good day.