October 13, 2018
Harmony and Balance
Copyright © 2018 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty | davidmiller@groupofforty.com
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians! We want to look at the idea of harmony and balance from the perspectives of the Ascension, the Ring of Ascension, and also from your own, personal development and work. I believe that in this time of polarization and Earth changes, it is difficult to maintain an inner harmony and balance. There are many intervening variables that are intruding on your desire to be in harmony and balance. Some of these intrusions are even of an external electromagnetic source. Other intrusions are coming from the major Earth changes, such as weather changes and earthquakes. Also, the geopolitical polarizations are increasing, which can also contribute to disharmony. One of the main challenges then is how can one maintain his/her balance and feel in harmony?
I would like to look at this first from the personal basis, from your own personal development, and also from your sense and work towards your personal ascension. You are being pushed on many different levels to accelerate your growth. Remember that in the ascension process, you are given the opportunity to complete Earth lessons and soul lessons in an accelerated manner. I would say that what might, in different times, take four of five lifetimes regarding soul work and soul lessons can now be achieved in one lifetime. You can even make your progress more accelerated. You can achieve life lessons in a couple of years which might have taken several lifetimes previously. This is true, especially when you think about the ascension process.
On a personal basis, the ascension process has this rule or regulation: You must try to learn as many life lessons as possible in the time that you are here on the Earth. As a seeker of ascension, this has a powerful meaning. This means that you are not here for a vacation, or you are not here just to be lazy and lay back, but rather you are here to do soul work. Being on Earth is an opportunity for increased soul lesson completions. You want to work as hard as you can to complete as many soul lessons as possible. This process and commitment helps you to ascend. I have emphasized many times that ascension requires preparation. It is not where you just sit back and wait, but that you prepare and do the necessary work you are capable of. And this attitude, this intention and this commitment for completing soul lessons can provide you with great grace for your ascension. Remember, it is not imperative that you complete every lesson or that you reach a point of one hundred percent perfection in your soul and personal work. Your effort and your intention are also important.
Nonetheless, it is also true that this challenging time also makes it difficult to stay in balance and harmony and work on your soul lessons. Try and keep your electromagnetic energy field in balance. This could be through special exercises of balancing the polarities in your aura. This can be accomplished through the energy work of the Cosmic Egg. It can also be done through working with crystals to ensure a protection of your energy field. There is also a personal aspect that is important in balancing yourself and keeping yourself in harmony. This can broadly be explained as working both with your Lower Self and with your Higher Self. You cannot take your Lower Self with you on your ascension, which means your animal Self, the part of you which has instincts and has the desire for food and personal gain and wealth, is not going into the Fifth Dimension.
When I look at balance and harmonization in the personal Self, then I say, how can you harmonize the Lower Self and the Higher Self? The answer lies in what can be called the “raising of the energy levels and the raising of the animal Self”. I, through observing Earth spirituality and practices of spirituality, have noted that praying or saying a blessing before a meal is a common characteristic among different religious groups. In fact, thanking the Creator for you being able to satisfy your animal Self is one of the great contributions that all the religions and spiritual practices have offered to the planet. But this blessing of food before eating raises the energy level of the Lower Self. You are trying to unite the instinct of hunger and the feeding of the animal Self with higher energy by doing the blessing.
This is an important example of balance, because there are other aspects of your Lower Self besides just eating that need to be energetically raised and brought into balance. For example, sexuality needs to be in balance with love. There is also the balance which comes with finances and economy. Accumulating money has to be brought into balance with giving to charity. There are other balances in the physical Self that have to do with exercise or taking care of different blockages in the body. Yes, there is even your desire for fortune and fame. These aspects of the Lower Self are not bad. If you want to be in a better balance, then bless those parts of yourself that can be identified as the Lower Self and elevate them and seek to bring them into an integration and balance with your Higher Self. Uniting the Lower Self with the Higher Self is one of the greatest secrets for being in balance now. Accept and identify those parts of your Lower Self that are problematic. When you identify them, know that we are not asking you to reject them, but instead we are asking you to elevate them, because part of the soul lessons have to do with elevation of the Self, which does include the purification of the Lower Self.
Another method of achieving balance is to focus on your Higher Self and to devote time and energy into those activities which promote your Higher Self. Now that could include charity, meditation, Merkabah travel, connecting with the Arcturian guides and teachers and healing others. Maybe you see yourself as a potential healer. Developing your healing powers is also helping to develop these aspects of your Higher Self. When you are connecting, identifying and interacting with your healing Self, then you naturally come into a greater balance and greater harmony. Working with the Higher Self in this manner is not a negation of the Lower Self, but rather it is what you might call “setting of priorities”. You are setting the priority that in your ascension work and in your spiritual work, for your soul evolution, you are committing to work with your Higher Self.
Another way to look at it is this simple example: Time is short. We cannot say how long you all are going to be on the planet. We cannot say how long each one of you is going to be here. Time is of the essence, so when you look at yourself and your priorities, you will naturally find that you do not want to waste time. You do not want to be involved in lower energies or even involved with people who are more blocked and focused on negative energies.
Now this leads us to the general planetary healing. In discussing with you how to bring this planet into a better balance, we see the current nature of the dramatic Earth changes and the nature of the polarizations. Hurricanes and earthquakes are great examples of planetary imbalances. I always like to remind you what it is like on a fifth-dimensional planet. We do not have earthquakes on a fifth-dimensional planet. Balanced planets that we have visited throughout the galaxy do not have hurricanes, and they do not have volcanic eruptions, and also they do not have pollution.
A fifth-dimensional planet is in a high state of consciousness that is achieved through the spiritual work of the planetary healers who inhabit that planet. But then you ask the question: “Well how can I bring this planet Earth into balance and harmony, especially in the face of these overwhelming catastrophes and tragedies that are occurring?”
There is no direct prediction that planet Earth is going into a fifth-dimensional balance within the next three or four months. In fact, I can comfortably predict that this is not going to happen so soon. Let me make the comparison between the evolution and work on a personal basis and the evolution on a planetary basis. I said that on a personal basis, you can bring yourself into a better harmony by working and identifying those parts of your Higher Self. Likewise, in working with the planet, you can bring the planet into a higher harmony and balance by focusing on the higher parts of the planet. We have given the tools for doing that through our discussions of sacred cities of light, biorelativity, and in general, creating corridors along sacred energies. This means that you are identifying the most positive parts of this planet, and you work to bring those areas to the higher point.
Now I know that some of you may say that this energy work with the planet is not making a difference. This planet is still out of balance, and the Earth changes are continuing, so what good is the planetary spiritual work? That is not the correct attitude. The correct attitude is that you identify and work with the higher energy, the higher sites, the sacred energy. Working with the higher energy points on the planet contributes to the higher evolutionary cycle of the Earth and helps it go on its path into the Fifth Dimension. You are responsible for your sphere of influence, and this is regardless of what else is happening on the Earth. You still stay working towards what goals you have to work with in planetary and in personal healing. I mean, if you see a “sickness” on the planet, you still work with higher energy. You do not stop your work. It is the same way if you have a personal sickness. You still seek your connection with your Higher Self, and you seek to bring all parts of yourself, especially those that might be affected and are in the Lower Self, to a higher energy. You do not stop and say, no, I am not going to do that because the negative energy or the blockages are too strong. I hope you that you understand that through your planetary work you are creating a great foundation for the fifth-dimensional Earth.
This leads me to the main concept in this lecture, which is the idea of balancing yourself and balancing the planet in a fifth-dimensional harmony. I want to describe this planetary healing technology in as much detail as possible, so that you have a firm grasp of how to use this. Now the two concepts that I am going to introduce are familiar to you. One is the Hundredth Monkey Effect and the second concept is the Ring of Ascension. Let me start with the Hundredth Monkey Effect. The idea of this is based on an anthropological study that showed that on a remote island, after 100 monkeys learned a certain task, which was washing the food – potatoes – that after the 100th monkey learned that, all 5,000 monkeys miraculously received and demonstrated the same abilities. This was done in an anthropological survey and has not, I would say, been statistically or scientifically proven. But there is a relationship between this effect and spiritual work.
When we are talking about spirituality and planetary change, then we are talking about a magic number in which a group of spiritually minded Starseeds will reach a critical mass numerically, and then this mass of Starseeds can cause a major shift on this planet. Therefore, this critical mass description is similar in concept to the anthropological study of the 100th monkey. We have been working for this critical mass, and we have identified it as 1600 devoted, strong, Arcturian Starseeds. I think that we can say that there is a certain number of people necessary to create a spiritual change on this planet. It is also necessary that each of these 1600 Starseeds have a high level of commitment and spiritual energy. You could have 40,000 members in a spiritual group, but if only 500 really do the work, then thousands of members are not contributing to the critical mass needed for change. “Critical mass members” really has to do with the commitment and work of each member. We see the numerical value of 1600 to include that number of committed and hardworking members. The group consciousness of Starseeds has been building on this planet throughout the past 20 to 30 years or more. This critical mass is going to be responsible for a major spiritual shift on this planet.
How will that spiritual shift be manifested? There are some predictions, for example, that there will be shifts in government attitudes towards becoming better caretakers of the planet. There are also predictions that there will be more of a ground swelling of Starseeds who will continue to work in creating and protecting sacred areas and sacred cities of light. The Starseeds will start a movement that will cause a shift in the thinking and in the energy for the entire planet. The important point is that you are contributing, and you are connecting with a Starseed group known as the Arcturian Starseeds who are working towards this energetic, planetary healing energy field.
What does it mean to belong to this planetary healing energy field? To explain your connection to this healing energy field, I will introduce another concept which in modern physics is called “entanglement”. Entanglement is the description of two subatomic particles which at one point in their history were connected, because they were in the same space at the same time, and they were even touching each other. But then due to various physical reasons, the particles became separate. In some cases, the particles that were once together could now be vast distances apart; however they still maintain a connectivity. This connectivity means that somehow they still communicate with each other and are still affected by each other; thus this is called “entanglement”.
Energetically, we can say that have this experience of “entanglement” with Starseeds. You are part of the energy of the Arcturian Starseeds. At one point in your soul history you were all united with the Arcturians and other Ascended Masters. There are several effects of this “entanglement” which can have a positive impact on you. One of the principles of entanglement is what affects one particle affects the other. But also, the second aspect is that when two particles are entangled, they can actually be entangled with a group of particles. A group of particles uniting increases their power.
I have defined the measurement of thought power in terms of a thought field, and the unit of the measurement of that power is designated as “Arcan” power. The descriptive notation to measure the units of power can include either a group or an individual thought energy. I compare this measurement to wattages. A ten-watt lightbulb is brighter than a five-watt lightbulb. A Starseed doing thought work equivalent to ten Arcan power is stronger than someone who is doing five Arcans of thought. The idea is that when you are connected and conscious of this entanglement energy which you have with other Arcturian Starseeds, then you can use that connection to raise your Arcan thought power. Entanglement with Arcturian Starseeds helps to raise your thought vibration. You are benefitting from group energy. You do not give up your individuality when you use the group energy. You are happily and productively joining into this “entanglement” which will lead to higher healings for the planet and higher personal development for you.
Now with this introduction, let me go to the discussion of the Ring of Ascension and how the Ring of Ascension can be used for personal and planetary balance and healing. The Ring of Ascension is a spiritual and etheric halo around the Earth. You can connect corridors of light from the Ring of Ascension to your own house. The Ring of Ascension is receiving energy and light from the Ascended Masters on the Fifth Dimension. Higher light is being downloaded by them in a form that is accessible to you on the Third Dimension. You can easily travel to the Ring of Ascension from any corridor. The Ring of Ascension is a real energy field and force.
There are so many things that are in place now for the Ascension. There are many corridors of light which are active and Planetary Cities of Light. There are many sacred sites which you have helped to activate for fifth-dimensional work. The Ring of Ascension is in place around this planet. One of the main ways for you to stay in balance and to keep this Earth in balance is to connect more interactions with the Ring of Ascension. The Ring of Ascension is also related to the collective Noosphere. The Ring of Ascension is an accelerated energy field where healing thoughts and evolutionary thoughts can be downloaded, accelerated and manifested. This means that if you personally are in need of healing, then you can connect with the Ring of Ascension and download special healing energy and light for yourself.
Hundreds, maybe even thousands, of higher energy thought forms, and higher-dimensional light from the Ascended Masters are already downloading into the Ring of Ascension. The Ascended Masters are providing a tremendous service to Earth by creating and working with this Ring of Ascension. They want you to use it for both personal and planetary development.
I like to compare some of these concepts found in the Ring of Ascension with modern computer technology. There is a concept in the computer world called updates. You might be on Microsoft Windows 10, and that program needs updates every two months. But you, as the user of the computer, do not always maintain an awareness of when the updates are downloaded. Instead, you might use or turn on a function which is called “automatic updates”. To use this function, you set the computer program to automatically receive and download the new files and updates to make the program more effective.
Let’s use this computer analogy for understanding how the Ring of Ascension can help you and help the planet. The Ascended Masters, including myself, are continually putting in new programs and new thought forms into the Ring of Ascension. These updates help to spiritually keep this planet in as high a vibration as possible. To receive these updates into your spiritual body, you can give permission each time the update is available for your use. However, another choice is that you could set your internal valve in your Spirit Body to automatically receive the updates. Because you gave approval for the automatic update function, then you would receive the update without having to be conscious of the update process.
In general, I am asking you now to consciously make the choice and say this affirmation: “I give permission for the Ring of Ascension to download automatic updates into my spiritual body. These updates will contain new information on Earth balancing, personal balancing and the Ascension as needed.” I shall repeat that affirmation: “I give permission for the Ring of Ascension to download updates into my energy field as needed, even without my awareness.” If you remember, you do not give your computer permission for an automatic download each time because you have faith and trust that your computer is only connecting with the highest good from the Microsoft computer world, at least we can hope that that is the case. And so it is for the Ring of Ascension.
Let us also re-establish your connection to the Ring of Ascension. Visualize now a corridor of light around your room and around your body. (Chants “OOOOOOHHHHHH, OOOOOOHHHHHH.”) Visualize this corridor going straight upwards, miles and miles above the Earth to the Ring of Ascension. Say this affirmation: “I am now connecting through this corridor to the Ring of Ascension around the Earth.” (Chants “OOOOOOHHHHH, EEEEEEHHHHHH.”) “I thought project my Spirit Body through the corridor, into the Ring of Ascension now.” And as you do this, you experience this great energy field of light from the fifth-dimensional masters which has been especially calibrated for your integration.
Visualize yourself in spirit form, your etheric Doppelgänger or your Etheric Self that you have thought projected. See that Self sitting in a comfortable position in the Ring of Ascension and this fantastic, powerful energy is swirling around you. You have the highest ability to absorb and download whatever you need for yourself or for the planet. Again, you are sitting in the Ring of Ascension, you have arrived here through this corridor of light, and now we will go into silence and meditation as you experience the swirl of this wonderful energy field known as the Ring of Ascension. (Silence)
While you are there, give permission again. Say: “I give permission for automatic downloads from the Ring of Ascension to be integrated and delivered to my third-dimensional energy field.” Give that permission now. (Silence)
And now, receive at this moment, the most up-to-date download from the Ring of Ascension into your energy field. You now receive the most up-to-date information about Earth changes, the most updated information on creating more sacred space, the most up-to-date information on etherically connecting using the Hundredth Monkey Effect with other Arcturian Starseeds, and the latest information on how to use this Ring of Ascension energy for your personal balance and harmony. Again, we will go into silence. (Silence)
The latest update is now available. It says that I, Juliano, am downloading Arcan power to each of you who are meditating with me now. You can use the Arcan power for your personal healing and planetary healing. Let us first use it for your personal healing. You are in a state of meditation in the Ring of Ascension. You have accelerated thoughts. You are benefitting from the group energy of the Ring of Ascension. Visualize now and think personal healing thoughts for yourself and project those healing thoughts to any physical part of your body that you want healed. Project those healing thoughts to any part of your body that you want to be brought into balance. Say these words to yourself: “I hereby, with this energy from the Ring of Ascension, send a balancing, harmonious healing light to that part of my body that needs healing.” We will go into silence. (Silence)
Now, look at your energy field from a higher perspective. Bring your energy field into balance. Your energy field is an electromagnetic polarity. There is positive and negative energy within your energy field. Put these polarities into balance. You have a vibration that is of optimal harmony, and through your Arcan power you can send a golden halo to your energy field which will help you place your energy field into that harmony. Remember, the Ring of Ascension is a halo. Remember the halo is composed of golden light which produces a higher harmony when it comes into contact with you. Remember that harmony and golden light are seen around the Ascended Masters, especially as a halo, around their head and shoulders. This means that the Ring of Ascension is a halo and has a vast amount of golden light.
So absorb the golden light into your energy field as you are sitting and meditating with us in the Ring of Ascension. There are many higher souls in the Ring of Ascension now, including many Starseeds from the Arcturian group and other Ascended Masters. Fill your aura again with golden light from the Ring of Ascension. (Silence)
Now make the commitment to bring back to Earth this golden light which you have accumulated and absorbed and are interacting with now. Bring that light down into your physical body and also into your physical energy field. When it comes into your physical energy field, then it will go into your physical body. Along with that is the great bond of light, the great bond of energy that you feel with all the Starseeds who are together now. (Chants “OOOOOOHHHHHH.”)
Let the golden light from the Ring of Ascension fill your etheric Doppelgänger, or your etheric double. Now align your Doppelgänger or “etheric double” with the corridor between you and the Ring of Ascension that you have established in the beginning of this exercise. Bring down your etheric double through the corridor directly over your third-dimensional body in perfect alignment. Your etheric double merges with your energy field on Earth and fills your energy with the golden light of the Ring of Ascension. Let us go into silence again. (Silence)
You are connected in a deep way, perhaps I can say an entangled way, and in a most positive way with the Ring of Ascension. You have authorized continuous updates to occur from the Ring of Ascension to your energy field. These updates will be downloaded to you periodically even without your conscious knowledge. You could be totally in a contracted state of consciousness due to stress, but still you will be able to receive the updates from the Ring of Ascension. Nonetheless, you will be able to receive new updates and new downloads.
We have to say that in such a time of rapid Earth changes that you are seeing, new updates are needed. Even the old understandings you have had of ascension and other planetary changes five or six months ago need to be updated. We see the need for updates happening continually. For example, there are continual updates on climatology and Earth changes. Several months ago scientists would say that if this current level of greenhouse gases continues, then by the year 2080, you will find all of the coastlines will be inundated with water, and there will be major catastrophes along the coastlines. But now climate scientists have changed the prediction and moved up the catastrophic events to 2030! This example shows what I mean. Continual updates are needed. You need to update your spiritual progress as well. You need to update your spiritual techniques, and you need to receive continual updates through the Ring of Ascension.
We are working with you to connect the sacred areas that you have designated with the Fifth Dimension. The ascension of a planet does not include every area of a planet. You are preparing for the Ascension, but you are a small minority on the planet. There may be seven billion people on this planet, but there may only be one hundred thousand people who can ascend in the first wave. There are individual spiritual areas on the Earth, which I will call enclaves, which are preparing for the Ascension. But these enclaves only represent a small portion of higher spiritual sacred areas on the Earth that can ascend into the Fifth Dimension.
In conclusion, take a deep breath and say again: “I accept and integrate the latest updates from the Ring of Ascension.” This is Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty