Copyright © 2024 David K. Miller
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P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. I would like to begin our exploration today with a deeper look at Galactic Spirituality. Galactic Spirituality is one of the three sides of the Arcturian Sacred Triangle. Each side of the Sacred Triangle carries important information, ideas and energy for your ascension and for the evolution of your soul. There are certain conclusions that we can assume from the concepts of Galactic Spirituality. I think the idea is that spirituality is not just Earth based, but also it is galactic based. Knowing that the galaxy exists was a big step forward in human evolution and in the understanding of the nature of the universe. The advancement of Earth spirituality has been affected by galactic discoveries.
Up until the late 1920’s, the astronomers on the Earth thought that there was one large group of star systems in the cosmos, and outer clouds of gas in nearby star systems were called nebulae. It was only with the discovery of the redshift (stars and other galaxies moving away from the Earth display a red shift in their light pattern) through the astronomer Edwin Hubble that proved the existence of other galaxies, and he discovered that many of the nebulae that astronomers thought were nearby stars were actually other distant galaxies. The most prominent and perhaps most famous nebulae observed turned out to be the Andromeda Galaxy, which can be seen on a clear night with the naked eye.
Now, the discovery of other galaxies is a fantastic advancement, and now there are advancements in spirituality because of this discovery. There is a need for continued exploration of the effects of this Hubble’s discovery on the spiritual development of humanity. Nonetheless, you are Arcturian starseeds. I know that you are open to the understanding of Galactic Spirituality, and therefore we can begin to explore some of the spiritual meanings of the discovery of galaxies.
You are part of the Milky Way Galaxy, which is a somewhat normal galaxy and has innumerable star systems. There are estimates that there are 200 billion stars in the Milky Way, which is an enormous number that the human mind would have difficulty in comprehending. I think the biggest implications of the discovery of your galaxy and other galaxies are that you live in this galaxy, and it is one of millions of other galaxies. This means that the likelihood of other lifeforms existing in the universe has greatly increased.
But let us look at what it means from the spiritual standpoint. How does the discovery of other galaxies, and how does the exploration and discovery of the Milky Way Galaxy and its nature and its composition, affect your understanding of the spiritual nature of humans? The first effect has to do with reincarnation. I often speak of both Earth incarnations and cosmic incarnations. Earth incarnations means that you repeatedly incarnate on the Earth. Sometimes you have one lifetime, and then when you die, based on circumstances and karma, you reincarnate again on the Earth. Sometimes you reincarnate in the same country or in the same city, and other times you reincarnate in other countries. It really is not unusual to be born in one lifetime in India, and then come back in India, or you could be born in Europe in one lifetime and come back and live in the United States or Australia in another lifetime.
Many of you have had numerous reincarnations on the Earth. Some have had as many as two or three hundred. Many of these incarnations were in earlier history during the Roman Empire, during the Greek Empire, and some of you even reincarnated during the Atlantean times. Some were warriors in other lifetimes. And each lifetime has certain lessons and tasks and missions to accomplish. It so happens that many of the earlier lifetimes on this planet were short, because the lifespan of the human in earlier history was only 30 of 40 years.
Let us look now at what determines how or when you will reincarnate on the Earth. Understand that the purpose of the reincarnation cycle is to bring forth lessons and to help you burn off karma from mistakes that you have made in other lifetimes. The soul will seek out a lifetime based on its needs for learning and for releasing karma. That means that there must be certain situations and certain requirements for an incarnation. The soul consults with a group of spirit guides who will help you oversee which is the best opportunity for a lifetime.
This means that there is an exercise and experience called “life-between-life”. Life-between-life is the exploration and consultation with the spirit guides between lifetimes. This is a very good exercise, to have the opportunity to talk with your spirit guides in the life-between-life atmospheres. You can learn information about why this lifetime was chosen, what are the lessons, and perhaps even understand some of the karmic duties that were carried over from other lifetimes.
This exercise of consulting with the spirit guides in life-between-life meditations is powerful and healing. In some ways, I consider this more valuable than even past lives. And the reason is because in past lives, past-life recall, which is also useful, you may not get all the information about why that lifetime was chosen and what the mission was, but in life-between-life, you have the consultation with your spirit guides about the reasons why you chose that incarnation. Please remember that each of you has around 10 spirit guides that are working with you both in this lifetime and in life-between-life periods.
Now let us compare the Earth incarnation process to what I call the cosmic reincarnation process. The spiritual difference is that in cosmic reincarnation you are choosing planets throughout the galaxy to reincarnate. You are not limited to just reincarnating on the Earth. This has several advantages. For example, you may have a certain lesson that you need to learn, and the right circumstances for learning that lesson may not happen on Earth for another 200 years. That means that you would have to wait 200 years until the right circumstances emerge for you to reincarnate. In cosmic or galactic reincarnation, you conservatively have 5,000 planets in the Milky Way Galaxy to choose from. You definitely would need consultation with your life-between-life spirit guides to choose places for incarnation among those many planets, because you may not have all of the knowledge of each planet.
Choosing a reincarnation is complex. You may not know the planetary stages of development that a particular planet is experiencing, and also you would have to find the right family and other circumstances that are important for you to incarnate into. Basically, starseeds are involved in cosmic reincarnation. Some of you have been on Arcturus in other lifetimes, and others of you have been on the Pleiades or have been on Sirius. But there are many other planets in this galaxy that potentially you could have had productive lifetimes on.
I would say that cosmic reincarnation is an activity that only advanced souls can participate in. Part of my definition of starseeds is those people who have reincarnated or had lifetimes on other planets besides the Earth and have been involved throughout this galaxy. It so happens that there are even the starseeds who have had incarnations in other galaxies, including the Andromeda Galaxy.
Now, the Andromeda Galaxy is larger than the Milky Way Galaxy, which means it has more star systems and planets. The Andromeda Galaxy is considered the sister galaxy of the Milky Way Galaxy. When I say there are 5,000 planets in the Milky Way Galaxy that have higher life forms, then you could assume that there are many more planets with higher life forms in the Andromeda Galaxy. Having cosmic reincarnation from the Andromeda Galaxy is not as common as being incarnated on the Milky Way Galaxy.
Another implication from Galactic Spirituality is what I call the “home planet phenomenon”. Frequently in my work with starseeds, I find a desire for a return to their home planet. Let us explain this home planet concept and why you have the yearning to return to your home planet.
Now, in Galactic Spirituality, we make a distinction between your “origination” and where you were “first born”. Each soul “originated” at the birth of the universe, and that means that the souls came into existence at that point. Now, you may ask the question philosophically: “Does your soul pre-exist the birth of this universe?” I would say yes, but because of the complexities of understanding the Big Bang and the birth of the universe, the language and the discussion of your soul’s pre-existence is too complicated to discuss in this third-dimensional language that we are now using. I will only say that your soul did pre-exist before the birth of this universe, and this leads to the possibility that there were multiple universes. But we want to only focus today on the “origination” of your soul at the birth of this universe.
The “origination” point of the soul does not mean that you incarnated immediately. In Galactic Spirituality, where you are born, and especially the first planet that you are born on, becomes your first incarnation and that becomes your home planet. Therefore, the soul exists first, prior to incarnating into third-dimensional space and time. The first incarnation, no matter where it is in the galaxy, is considered your home planet. Actually, some of you have Earth as your home planet, that is to say, that you were born in the incarnational cycle on the Earth. But, many starseeds have had birth and incarnations on other planets.
Naturally, the home planet would have a special meaning for you. You would feel extremely comfortable on your home planet. Equally important is the existence of your soul family who manifested on your home planet with you.
In Galactic Spirituality we talk about both the home planet and your soul group. Your soul group also incarnated with you on your home planet. It is extremely pleasurable and helpful to be with your soul group. Each of you is part of a soul group. Some of your soul group members are still on your home planet, and some of your soul group members are here on the Earth.
Now, you have a yearning to return to your home planet. When I am working with many of you, I find that when we talk about your ascension and talk about where you want to go once you do ascend, then many of you are reporting that you want to return to your home planet. You also want to return and be with your soul group.
I have to report to you that sometimes your whole home planet did not survive. There is a long history of conflicts throughout this galaxy, which includes intra-planetary conflicts and conflicts between soul groups. This means that sometimes the soul groups on home planets may have experienced destruction, either through self-destruction or destruction by a soul group from another planet. But even if the home planet is no longer in existence, your soul group still is in existence, because the soul group can transcend the whole planet and any problems that existed.
I want to make a few other points about soul groups. I want to discuss an unusual phenomenon related to soul groups. There are individuals who, for one reason or another, originated, and even were born, but did not become attached to a soul group. This is a big problem because people who are unattached to soul groups and incarnate on the Earth often have personality problems which are manifested as mental illness with unusual thought forms, and in some cases, they become violent or psychopathic. So, the phenomenon of a being born unattached to a soul group is certainly a concern. We, the Arcturians, are using our powers with other Ascended Masters to retrieve and try to heal people who are unattached to a soul group. We will try to heal such souls and bring them into attached groups, such as the Arcturian group.
On the Earth, we find some unique planetary soul experiences. One of the most unique planetary experiences on the Earth is that there now exist multiple soul groups. Some planets only have one or two soul groups. On the Earth, we can find 30 to 40 or more soul groups. This has led to a great deal of confrontations and polarizations. Soul groups often join the same religious groups or spiritual groups. You have large segments of the Earth population that are divided up into religious soul groups. There are people who are in large religious groups and often reincarnate in the same group over and over again. It is common for a person to reincarnate in the same religious soul group multiple times.
Unfortunately, because of the history on this planet, which is similar to other planets, the soul groups are in conflict with each other. One soul group may have different beliefs about who is the prophet that they should follow, what laws should be followed, and who should dominate the planet.
Another phenomenon that is important in Galactic Spirituality is called the “twin flame experience”. The twin flame is a concept in Galactic Spirituality that is defined as two spirits or two souls that were made from the same seed, or the same leaf on the “Soul Tree of Life”. This means that they both originated from the same soul seed and were birthed together as twins. Hence, the term twin flame. Usually, one twin flame will stay in the spirit world while the other twin flame incarnates back onto the Earth or onto any other planet. Generally, the twin flames do not incarnate together at the same time. The reason is that one will stay back as a spiritual anchor for the first. But I know that you might be looking for your twin flame. You will eventually be reunited with your twin flame.
I am going to lead you into an exercise to help you connect and to find your home planet. In this exercise, we will take you on a journey to the Central Sun, and from the Central Sun, you could reach out and scan the galaxy and look for your home planet. You can also identify and seek out a higher connection with your soul group on your home planet. Your home planet can be near the Earth. Most starseeds are connected to a planet near the Earth or in this section of the galaxy. This section of the galaxy where the Earth and Arcturians are could be four or five thousand light years in distance. But it is also possible that you could scan another section of the galaxy. So, in the meditation you can go where you wish.
Take three deep breaths now and feel yourself go into a state of spiritual relaxation, and I, Juliano, am providing corridors of light between you and the Heavenly Palace in the Central Sun area. Allow your spirit body to rise up out of your physical body and enter the corridor of light which I have set down over your room and which is now connected to the Central Sun Heavenly Palace, a palace that has special powers, which will allow you to find your home planet.
As your spirit body rises out of your Crown Chakra, enter the corridor and travel now at the speed of thought to the Central Sun Heavenly Palace. (Tones “Ta, ta, ta.”) You travel this amazing distance, almost 26,000 light years, at the speed of thought through this interdimensional corridor, and you arrive at the Heavenly Palace of the Central Sun.
You are in a special meditation chamber that has holographic images and outreaches to the entire galaxy and to all the planets. This is a special meditation room that you are now in. I want you to go into a state of galactic meditation. It is only possible in this chamber in the Central Sun area to reach out to your home planet. From here, begin the process of scanning wherever intuitively you are drawn to go. Find your home planet and connect with your soul group. That is your task now. We will go into silence for several minutes while you perform this wonderful meditation and search for your home planet. Go wherever you are led. You are guided and protected in this process. We will go into silence. (Silence)
You have reached out and connected to your home planet. You have reached out and connected to your soul group. You have reached out and connected to that place where you originally were born into manifestation in this universe. You feel the warmth of your home family and the warmth of your home soul group. This is a group that understands you and that accepts you for all that you are in all aspects. You feel this great familial soul connection with them. It is an experience that you cannot find on the Earth. There are rare opportunities when you have connected to your soul members on the Earth.
Now you are connected to your home planet and your soul group. You are sitting in a circle with them. I call this a soul circle in which you are in communion with the home soul family and the soul group with them. In some cases, this will be a huge circle of a thousand or even ten thousand souls. In other cases, it might be a smaller number, and it is even possible it could be a larger number. Sit in the huge soul group that is part of your soul family and part of your home planet. You are sitting in the huge circle of light and communicating with all of them in the circle. We will go back into silence. (Silence)
As you are meditating together, you receive great energies, information and healing from your soul family and your home planet. Remember, some of the home planets have only one soul group on them, and this would be a more conflict-free incarnation. The Earth offers an unusual opportunity to live on a planet with multiple and often conflicting soul groups. We are almost done with this aspect of the meditation.
Return back to the Heavenly Palace on the Central Sun, knowing that this powerful connection you have made with your soul family and your home planet can be re-experienced at any time you feel the need and any time you have the focus to travel here to the Central Sun Heavenly Palace meditation room.
Prepare to return back through the corridor to your Earth body. Enter that corridor as you leave the Central Sun area, which is a key area in the study of Galactic Spirituality, a key area for exploration of your soul, a key area for experiencing other planetary reincarnations.
You enter now the corridor of light from which you came, and travel now at the speed of thought back from the corridor of the Central Sun to your Earth home. (Tones “Ta, ta, ta.”) You arrive above your home, fully expanded, connected, aware, with memories and renewed contacts with your home, family and your soul family. These renewed contacts will help you as you re-enter into your third-dimensional Earth incarnation. Know that this is a special gift that you have had today, a special connection. Re-enter your physical body now in perfect alignment, bringing with you this information, knowledge and energetic experience into your third-dimensional body.
You are back into your third-dimensional body. Now you are integrating these experiences, knowing how important it is to feel connected and knowing what a gift it is to be able to interact and become aware of your soul group. In soul grouping experiences, all information, all knowledge, is shared. There is no ego hiding and there are no defenses necessary. All are working together towards the unity of the group, including the ascension of the group.
One of the reasons why you may have incarnated on the Earth is to experience other soul groups. This is one of the unique experiences on planet Earth, that is, the ability and the opportunity to experience other soul groups. Oftentimes, soul groups reincarnate together on a planet.
There are also opportunities to leave soul groups, especially if some soul groups remain on a lower consciousness and contracted thinking. It is possible that you would want to free yourself from a soul group that has become misguided. You might ask why should you not try to heal that group, or why not try to fix it. I think that you can decide whether or not to help your soul group.
Another concept in Galactic Spirituality is to merge with higher soul groups. That means that you have the opportunity from the Earth to merge with a higher group. In fact, that is part of the ascension process where you would want to merge with higher groups. There could be members in your soul family, who are also with you, and are wanting, like you want, to merge with higher soul groups. It is possible to transcend an existing soul group and move on to a higher group. This is part of soul evolution, and this is a concept that we use in Galactic Spirituality.
Why is it that some soul groups get stuck? I think that, as galactic anthropologists, we like to study that problem and see why it happens. Sometimes these soul groups become dominated by unattached souls. Remember I talked about that earlier. There are some souls that are born that are not attached to soul groups, and such souls can be more likely to become corrupted or distorted in their Earth work. A lot of lower energies exist on the Earth and on the Third Dimension.
There is also so much positive energy and ability for transcending lower energy on the Earth. The starseed group that forms with the Arcturians can experience a new, higher soul group that transcends some of the lower groups that are in existence on the Earth. The Arcturian group is able to help you assimilate higher consciousness.
Sometimes the people in the lower soul groups are not able to assimilate higher consciousness by themselves. You do not have to stay back and try to fix older groups that you may have been attached to through your birth on the Earth. Sometimes, the best thing is for you to move on to the higher group and allow prophets to work and help those soul groups that are stuck to transcend their blocks. It is a huge responsibility, as you can imagine, to help a soul group become unstuck. Open your eyes and you are now back into your full reality on the Earth. Integrate all of the ideas and concepts and experiences that we have had today and know that you can use them for your highest development. We have opened up new thought patterns, and ways of transcending lower consciousness for you. Keep your etheric antenna open for your soul members and soul contributors. I am Juliano. Good day.