August 7, 2021
Galactic Anthropology
Copyright © 2021 David K. Miller All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, Starseeds, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. We will continue our exploration of Galactic Anthropology with a special assessment of planet Earth and a review of our findings throughout the galaxy.
We have devoted ourselves to the study of other civilizations in the galaxy. We are particularly interested in the stages of development of each civilization, and how each civilization seeks to progress beyond its current stage of development. It is clear that some civilizations become stuck in a level of development and are unable to pass the block that they come up against. We, the Arcturians, with the other Galactic Masters, sometimes will work with and help a civilization when they come up against such a block. It is clear to us, also, that planet Earth has reached a block, and there is a need for assistance in order to ensure that planet Earth overcomes the blockage and continues to grow and expand.
I want to look at some basic anthropology tools and apply them on a galactic scale and to the Earth. The important aspects in assessing a species and a civilization include the ability to use tools, their ability to use art, and how they deal with death and burial. I would say that the Earth does very well with death and burial. There is no hesitation to kill other people or even to wipe out societies, and also there seems to be quite a devotion to burial. In fact, in our observation sometimes the society spends more time and money on burial than they do on the development of children.
When assessing a civilization’s development, it comes down to tools and the society’s use of tools or the species’ use of tools. Now in primitive early versions of the human, the tools were very basic. Man used stone tools and created axes, cutting tools, and in some cases, even was able to use rocks for projectiles in order to kill animals and kill other humans. It is the ability to use tools in a wide expanse that differentiates Homo sapiens from the earlier ancestors of Man.
In modern Man we are looking at tools that include computer technology, spacecraft, and the ability soon to travel interdimensionally. These activities need tools, and we can define a civilization and its progress based on the level of tools that that civilization has developed. We use the designation of Planetary Stage1 development for assessing Earth’s current development.
There are certain milestones or markers that a civilization must surpass in order to complete Stage 1 and go on to Stage 2. Humanity on the Earth is blocked at its development at this point and is unable to move to Stage 2. Here are some of the accomplishments that a civilization in the galaxy achieves in the latter stages of Stage 1: A civilization will have the ability to have space flights and leave the atmosphere of the planet. This does not include going outside of its solar system though. It only includes the ability to travel to moons or nearby planets within the solar system. Planets in Stage 1 also have the ability to develop weapons using the propulsion technology that was developed for space travel. Planets in Stage 1 also have reached a certain level of energy technology. We consider fossil fuels and nuclear energy primitive, however, it still is significant, because with that technology and the use of these types of fuels, a civilization can leave the planet and go into space.
There are other technologies that include computers. Computer technology exists throughout the galaxy. Your computer technology has rapidly advanced and continues to advance, and this aspect of your planet Earth technology is perhaps your most optimistic development in your technology, for within computer technology rests the ability to travel through new frontiers in space travel. In fact, in order to travel interdimensionally, a higher level of computer technology is needed.
Planets in Stage 1 have not broken, and are not able to break, the speed of light barrier. In the Third Dimension, the great rule that Albert Einstein discovered is that no object can travel faster than the speed of light. That certainly poses great limitations on the ability to travel outside of one’s solar system. Think for a moment how long it takes to travel to Mars or Jupiter or Saturn. The further out you go in the solar system, the longer it takes, and it could take a lifetime of space travel to go to the outer edge of this solar system and return. That is not the formula for traveling to the Pleiades or traveling to Arcturus or traveling to Antares.
The only way that is possible to travel outside the solar system is through hyperspace, and in hyperspace, the rules are different. The rules of space and time are different and the rules of light speed and limitations do not apply. In order to go into hyperspace and travel to other parts of the galaxy or the universe, one must have a quantum supercomputer. Such a computer is more advanced than any of the current Earth computers that now exist on this planet. This quantum supercomputer has the ability to integrate thought with the computer. That would mean that this new technology would include telepathic communication with the computer, instead of using your mouth or typing in commands. You would think, and that would be enough to send the computer in the direction you wish to travel.
Now there are already developments in computer technology relating the thinking of the user to the computer. Biofeedback devices are primitive examples of a computer technology interacting with the thought waves of a person. But an advanced computer would be able to accelerate the energy system of a person and objects that were with a person, including a ship. This acceleration, combined with a certain acceleration speed, would be enough to put a vehicle into hyperspace, and once one is in hyperspace, then the whole galaxy and the whole universe is open.
Planets such as the Earth that are right at Stage 1 are very close to the development of hyperspace technology. It perhaps is one of the paradoxes of the current Earth situation, that on one hand, the planet is in the sixth mass extinction and the biosphere is in a crisis, but on the other hand, the scientists on Earth are close to hyperspace technology. Earth scientists are close to developing and overcoming the barrier that would allow hyperspace travel. That is extraordinary, but traveling through hyperspace in an advanced vehicle does not necessarily help the Earth solve the sixth mass extinction.
Some have suggested that we on the Earth could travel to the future using hyperspace, and then through that technology, we could bring back solutions that will enhance and assist us in solving the current Earth crisis. Going into the future is possible. There are several methods of doing this, but the rules of going into the future and bringing objects back or bringing knowledge back are extremely complicated. There have been several interesting science fiction movies that have attempted, in a rather humorous way, to discuss some of the problems of going into the future. One of the favorite ones is that movie “Back to the Future”, and in that movie you saw that if one is in the future and changes something, it could actually erase one’s existence. That depiction illustrates the complexity of going into the future and bringing changes back.
Now, let us explore being able to go into Planetary Stage 2. This means that a human, in order to go into Stage 2, would have to have certain characteristics and abilities to go into Stage 2. A planet in Stage 2, then, has advanced beings on it. Again, if you look at the Earth anthropology, and you study the many different species that are the ancestors to Homo sapiens, you will see that the great division line between ancestors is in the sophistication of tools. Unfortunately, the sophistication of tools includes weapons and the advancement of lethal weapons. Tools and weapons are core markers for distinguishing advancement in species.
If you look at the ancestors of humans, including Homo neanderthal, you will see that the advantage that Homo sapiens had over Homo neanderthal was in tool making and the ability to use the tools for agriculture. Homo neanderthal may have been stronger physically than Homo sapiens, but now physical strength is not the determining factor for survival. The determining factor for survival now on the planet is the ability to comprehend galactic knowledge, Galactic Anthropology, and the need for transitioning into a higher level of evolution for the entire planet.
There are some other important characteristics that are necessary for the inhabitants of a planet in order to bring that planet out of Stage 1 and into Stage 2. Planets in Stage 2 have the ability to control the weather, the ocean currents, storms, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes. When a planet is in Stage 2, there are no natural catastrophes. The inhabitants of Stage 2 have learned how to control all those aspects. Inhabitants in Stage 2 of planetary development have conquered all diseases. You can see right now that the Earth is far away from conquering all diseases, as evidenced by the COVID-19 virus, but a planet in Stage 2 also has an advanced immune system. Planets in Stage 2 have transcended war. Therefore there is not the outbreak of hostilities between two countries or two groups of people. There is not the threat of extinctions from the whole planet due to a nuclear war. In fact, planets in Stage 2 do not even use nuclear energy.
We often are asked about the relationship between alien intervention and the development of the Earth. There are several possibilities in how the inhabitants of a planet can evolve. One is the direct intervention by an alien group through DNA and modifying the DNA. This raises many interesting questions. There are many stories of alien intervention during the history of Earth. In fact, one of the big questions is: “Where is the ‘missing link’ from our ancestors that allowed us to transform from a primitive hominid to a sophisticated Homo sapiens?” We have the archaeological evidence of the development of recent human-like species (Author’s Note: such as Homo erectus and Homo neanderthal), but there seems to be a missing link that has not been found that would demonstrate the early ancestor of Homo sapiens. How did evolution make the leap from a primitive ape-like being into a computer-minded, technologically advanced human? Was it divine intervention, or was there an alien intervention that modified or changed the DNA of the early ancestors of humanity that allowed the advanced human to develop?
There are many scientists now who believe that the true proof of alien intervention on the Earth lies in the human DNA, and that the DNA can be considered similar to a tree ring. When you cut the tree open, you count the number of rings, and based on that, you have a whole history of the weather patterns, of whether there were droughts or lots of moisture, recorded historically, based on the rings. With the right technology and the right understanding, you could also look at the DNA of a human, and you could establish whether there have been alien “manipulations and interventions”, or whether the DNA was able to develop in a natural progression. DNA manipulation, from an alien source, does have the potential of being the missing link. Manipulation by an alien source could have provided a boost in the evolution of ancient ancestors, and the manipulation of the DNA early in the history of Man could have provided a rapid shift in the human species evolution.
I want to discuss another type of intervention which is providing knowledge and information by an alien source to the inhabitants of planet Earth. One type of intervention is in shifting genetic codes, and a second type of intervention is providing knowledge to the inhabitants on Earth. In the history of our galaxy there has been both genetic modification, and there has been alien intervention through providing knowledge. Knowledge can include offering technological knowledge to a primitive civilization. There are many stories now of the Grays who have made agreements with the U.S. government, or other governments, and these agreements focus on providing advanced technology to Earth governments in exchange for helping them with their genetic problems. The alien civilizations would provide technology to Earth in exchange for DNA support from the human systems.
Mixing DNA from one species to another is not easy. For example, the human DNA mixed with the Gray DNA does not always provide sustainable evolutionary change. In fact, in anthropology, it is said that the success of a species has to do with reproductive ability. So we can look at primitive ancestors of Homo sapiens. We can determine whether or not Homo sapiens belongs to a different ancestor species based on whether or not they can mate, or they could have a successful reproductive experience.
Now we look at the Grays, and we can say that the attempts to mix the DNA of the species with the Earth is filled with danger. Yes, it can be done genetically, and the Grays have proved that it can occur. The children produced from this mix are called hybrids. The hybrids that have been created have problems. First, they do not live as long as a normal human being. Secondly, they are often damaged in their health, and thirdly, they cannot successfully mate with the other Grays. They only can mate with other hybrids. The hybrids are now mating with other hybrids, but they are not mating or reproducing with the Grays. Therefore, this is not necessarily helping the Grays in their process of saving their evolution from genetic extinction.
We talk about planetary extinction and the sixth mass extinction. There is also another phenomenon called “DNA Extinction”. That is to say, a species can reach the end of their DNA evolutionary capability. And this is what has happened to the Grays, and that is why they came to the Earth because they wanted to enhance and save their DNA. A DNA system in a species can collapse, just like a biosphere can collapse.
There is a danger in modifying the human DNA through genetic modification techniques. Man does not totally understand the complexity of the DNA. Modifying one aspect may seem initially to be a good idea. For example, you may want to get rid of a certain disease or a certain characteristic through genetic modification. The genetic system of Man is an extremely complex system that goes back millions of years. When you change one part of the code, it potentially can change many other things that are unknown at the moment. We have seen several DNA collapses in the galaxy that were begun by genetic modification. The Grays are not the first civilization or species that are on the brink of a DNA collapse.
There are other ways of changing planetary civilizations besides DNA modification. A second method is introducing new tools to a civilization, and another method involves providing information and experiences for a new “spiritual development”. The problem with just presenting information and technology is this: Information and technology does not ensure spiritual development of a species. I mean it would be great if it were that simple. We and the Galactic Council are clear that advanced technology does not always bring advanced spiritual development. There must be a spiritual development with advanced technology, otherwise a civilization can collapse and destroy itself. This means that spiritual wisdom is a key ingredient in the survival of a planet, and the graduation of a planet from Level 1 to Level 2 requires a spiritual advancement.
How can spiritual development occur, and what role can an alien civilization, or higher fifth-dimensional beings, play in spiritual development? Well, the answer to this may sound familiar to you: One of the main ways that fifth-dimensional beings like the Arcturians and other Ascended Masters can influence spiritual development on planet Earth is through prophets. It has been agreed upon that one of the most effective ways of changing and expanding the spiritual development of a planet is through sending a prophet to a planet.
There are several methods of sending prophets to a planet. The first method is having the prophet born into the Earth. This is the way Jesus came to the Earth and the way Moses and Mohammed did. They came through the incarnational cycle under the guidance of the Divine. In this method, the prophet grows up, shows great personal power and effectiveness, and presents spiritual teachings that provide major evolutionary changes in the thinking and belief system of a people. Is this planet ready for a new prophet?
Another way a prophet can occur is through external, alien intervention again, that is, a Master is brought into the planet, fully awakened and evolved, and is brought to the planet directly without having to go through an incarnation process. In this situation that “prophet” is able to lead the civilization towards a new harmony and a new balance.
One of the problems with both approaches, that is, both ways of introducing prophets, has to do with the “freewill zone” on the Earth. Because the Earth is a freewill zone, this means that there has been allowed many different religions, many different languages and many different belief systems to evolve. The introduction of one prophet may not be accepted by other groups. That means that the development of the free will, and the development of the wide variety of species has given new freedom, but also created limitations, meaning that a prophet may come and speak to one group, but the other group may not accept that prophet. So, there could emerge a “universal prophet”. The universal prophet would transcend all of the religions. The transcending of the religions would be problematic because it could be interpreted as a rejecting of existing beliefs. But the Galactic Council, and the Arcturians working with the Galactic Council, continues to explore and work with the possibility of introducing a prophet who can be accepted by all groups.
Another way of influencing a planet is through the introduction and working with Starseed groups. In this method a group of awakened Starseeds come together and form a common bond, and use their coming together to create a planetary shift. This method has been used successfully on other planets that we have visited. The Earth is multicultural, has many religions and is multilingual. We find that the introduction of one prophet becomes a major problem in such a planet. Working together with a strong system of Starseeds can help to overcome some of the problems of multiple acceptance due to different religious views and different cultural views and different language views.
I want to address another aspect of planetary development that has to be dealt with directly. Each civilization and each species has within it a program for extinction. You may find that shocking, but having a program for extinction is one of the laws of the galaxy. In fact, the universe itself is programmed for extinction. The galaxy is programmed for extinction. One of the great spiritual challenges that the Galactic Council and we, the Arcturians, are working to solve, is how to overcome that program.
When you look at what is happening on the planet, then you can say: “Well, what humanity is doing is fulfilling their program for mass extinction. In fact, this planet has already had five different mass extinctions. So, extinction is not a new concept to a planet, and mass extinction is also not a new concept to the planet.” Is humanity close to mass extinction? Yes, you might be surprised, but yes, and it is within its program, and the challenge that we, as fifth-dimensional Masters deal with is how to make humanity aware that they are fulfilling their program for extinction. We need to make humanity aware that what they are doing is contributing quickly to their extinction, and we want to help humanity change their current extinction pattern. This is one of the great problems that the Ascended Masters are trying to solve.
You may think the Ascended Masters have all of the answers, and that the fifth-dimensional Masters are able to resolve many of these problems. They are evaluating all of these different factors, and it is as shocking to us as it is to you to accept that your species has within it a program for extinction. Now remember, there have been many ancestors of Homo sapiens, the most famous being Homo neanderthal and Homo erectus, who did became extinct. It is hoped that, in a freewill zone like planet Earth, there will be a recognition of this extinction pattern and program, and that there will be a path towards solving that pattern. We would like to see the Earth overcome this crisis; we would like to see the path of self-destruction be extinguished.
This whole process of extinction is so deeply programmed that it even is part of your mythology and religious history. Think for a moment about the most famous story of the Old Testament, which is the Garden of Eden. There was perfection in the Garden of Eden, but then there was lower consciousness which led to the breaking of certain laws that led to humanity being sent out from the higher worlds.
We want to help elevate the master program in humanity. Will this planet be extinguished? The Earth will survive. The Earth has within it the ability to survive the sixth mass extinction event; the Earth has already been able to survive five. This one is unique, but this does not mean that it is unsolvable for a planet, but it could be unsolvable for the species of Homo sapiens. Is there a potential for a mass extinction for humanity? Yes. But there will be pockets on the planet that will survive, but unfortunately, with a larger extinction event, such as a nuclear war, or a collapse of the biosphere, the advanced technology on this planet could also collapse. During a planetary collapse there would be no more satellites; there would be no more Internet, and there would be a return to primitive functioning.
I want to introduce one other subject, and then we will do a brief meditation together. This subject is the program of extinction throughout the universe. There are “death stars”. You probably have heard of them that are supernovae that explode and give off deadly gamma rays. All life on a planet within a certain range that received these gamma rays dies. That is another pattern of death in the universe. As someone has recently said, “The universe is a violent place.”
But the other major idea is the Black Hole, because the Black Hole is another example of death and destruction. Anything that comes close to the Black Hole is swallowed up. Some scientists refer to the Black Hole as a cannibal, eating anything that comes to it. But we have discovered what is called the “moving Black Hole”. A moving Black Hole is not a Black Hole that stays stationary. The big Black Hole in the Milky Way Galaxy is the center of the galaxy, and basically stays in the same position. But we have recently discovered moving Black Holes that travel throughout the universe. And so, if you think that a Black Hole is dangerous, think about how serious a moving Black Hole could be. But we and the Ascended Masters are seeking a transcendence of mass extinction events, and there is a way to transcend such events, and there is a way to heal and balance beloved planet Earth.
Let us gather together in our meditation. I ask that you open up your mind now and assimilate and process all of the information that we have provided you in this lecture. Try to the best of your ability to sort and accept and integrate all the information for your higher development and higher consciousness. Next, accept your role as an advanced Starseed, and accept that you are working for the successful evolution of the human species. Accept that you, with your thought power, with your abilities of meditation and galactic connections, are in a powerful position to influence the outcome on this planet. And third, accept that there is a Divine Will, that there is a program that is being played out, that this program is able to be shifted, and that there are Galactic Masters, Ascended Masters, who are working to successfully help the Earth overcome the conflicts of Planetary Stage 1 and move into Planetary Stage 2.
I would like for you now to place a white screen in front of your Third Eye, and I would like for you to see an image of the Earth in Planetary Stage 2 of development. Visualize the Earth from the perspective of the Moon, and see a planet in advanced balance and in advanced harmony, and all beings are living in a unity. On that screen, see the words “Stage 2 of planetary development of planet Earth has been reached.” Visualize the Earth in that new stage. We will go into silence as we meditate on that. (Silence)
See in bold letters again “The Earth has reached Planetary Stage 2 of development,” and visualize this great new balance and harmony on the planet. The paradox is, as close as the Earth is to the sixth mass extinction, at the same time the Earth is close to advancing to Planetary Stage 2. We, the Starseeds, will work to promote the next level of development, which includes embracing a new spiritual wisdom. Perhaps this spiritual wisdom will be activated by a new prophet emerging. Finally, it is also possible that an external prophet from a higher extrasolar civilization can appear. We have called this the “first contact”, and that person, that being, will have advanced prophetic powers to influence the shift that is so necessary. The Galactic Council and other Masters are working continually to find the best method to save planet Earth. I am Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty