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Greetings, this is Juliano. We are the Arcturians. In this lecture, we want to look at several aspects of spiritual work, changing reality, and also we want to review the Ascension Light.
But let us begin by talking about spiritual work. I know that many people are committed to their spiritual path, and it is interesting that we would describe the path as doing spiritual work. And I want to raise the question of what does it mean to do spiritual work? Interestingly, there is even fake spiritual work where people are doing actions and maybe even studying, but they are still dealing with lower energies and not really experiencing spiritual development or spiritual progress that is needed for your ascension.
One measurement of successful spiritual work is the ability to understand reality and to work towards changing that reality. I know that some religions would say that this reality is an illusion. I find that an interesting observation, which contains many truths. However, we have to point out that part of the spiritual work entails changing the reality or creating your reality. This is a powerful spiritual skill. Changing the reality is probably easier in one’s personal life than attempting to change the reality of the planet or of the country that you are living in. But it is possible and helpful to create a personal positive reality that focuses on providing you the right circumstances for your spiritual development.
One important part of spiritual development involves studying, which includes learning about the masters and learning about their interpretations of how to deal with this reality. Religious movements create a system to deal with this reality and to prepare one’s soul for the journey that will continue after you leave this planet. We, the Arcturians, are highly respectful of people who are able to take the energy from the Fifth Dimension and use it to manifest a positive change on the Third Dimension. This positive change can be in your individual life, or it could be in your group, family life, and of course, in the city or country and eventually the world.
Now there is a personal aspect of spiritual work. There is a personal journey to spiritual work that includes understanding the Self and one’s problems. Each lifetime presents issues and problems that need to be resolved. Some of the issues or problems are related to interpersonal conflicts, and others are related to health conflicts, and then sometimes the problems are related to occupation and finding a place in the planet that suits and fits your mission and your needs. Yes, there are many factors in your life journey.
Here is an observation about this reality being an illusion. How you perform and act in this illusion, in this play, in this theater, in this drama, does have an effect on your soul journey and your soul development. Therefore, we cannot just pretend like this reality or illusion is meaningless. There are aspects of it that are chaotic, but remember that this reality does follow rules, and two of the most important rules are the Laws of Cause and Effect and the Laws of Karma. These are two simple laws that govern this reality.
And the Arcturian perspective on these realities is simple. You want to release all karmic attachments that are possible to be released in this lifetime. The soul work that you came here to do involves releasing karmic lessons or completing karmic lessons and also releasing any ongoing karmic ties or attachments. Such karmic attachments can remain with you in this lifetime, and even go with you onto the next lifetime on the Earth.
When we look at the overall goal of the soul development of soul work, then we always come back to the concept of ascension and leaving the Third Dimension and going on into the Fifth Dimension. Hopefully that process of going to the Fifth Dimension will occur through an ascension transformation.
I would like to focus now on karmic attachments and the release of karmic attachments. I want to focus on karmic attachments, both on a personal and a planetary basis. On a planetary basis, these conflicts that you are seeing throughout the planet are all karmic dramas that are deeply tied to past tribal conflicts. These conflicts occurred long before this date of 2024, and they are demonstrating the deep karmic energies that are carried throughout lifetimes. Karmic attachments and unresolved karmic issues can be deadly and destructive. They exist in DNA and genetic codes that are carried both by individuals and by countries, in the same way you carry karmic attachments from your previous lifetimes.
Your spiritual work now is to release personal karmic attachments. Spiritual work can help release country and planetary karmic issues. You have to become aware of what those attachments are, and sometimes they are deeply embedded in your Subconscious and the Collective Unconscious. Other times it might be obvious that the conflicts are from a previous lifetime in which you carried karmic attachments from that lifetime into this lifetime. You may not even realize that the conflicts are karmic.
Karmic conflicts become physically attached to your energy body. For example, many times, people make a promise to themselves in a previous lifetime and say that they will get back and seek revenge at this person. A person could say: “I will get back at them in this lifetime or the next lifetime.” You can talk to your Subconscious that way, and you can suggest to your Subconscious that you would try to get revenge or work out karmic issues with a person in another lifetime.
The Subconscious is a multidimensional aspect of your mind. The Subconscious is that part of your mind that is below the consciousness we know. One tool of influencing the Subconscious is repetition, because the Subconscious mind likes repetition. There are other rules that help the conscious mind influence the Subconscious mind, such as attention, using visual and literary images or literary words to communicate to the Subconscious. These are all well-known methods of working with the Subconscious, which can have benefits in your current life, such as creating memory improvement and changing behavior patterns of the Self. But there is a multi-level process with the Subconscious that even goes deeper enough to access that part of your mind that programs you for your future lifetimes.
I would bet that many of you do not want another lifetime on the Earth. From what you have seen already on this planet, this one lifetime now might be enough. There is a fear that the future Earth, that part of the Earth which does not ascend, might be even a more difficult place to live in than now. People in the future might look back at the now that we are in, you are in, and look at this era as one of the golden ages of being on the Earth where there were so many resources and so much freedom. You have been living in one of the most expanded ages, especially if you have been in the Western cultures.
Now I want to help you release karma and release karmic attachments. There is an exercise that we can do today that will help you with this process. This is really accelerated spiritual work. This is the intense spiritual work that you want to do, that is, to release karma, especially negative karma that you might have, which includes karma from any wrongs that you made to other people. Or this can include karma that any wrongs people made to you. You might feel the desire to get revenge on them, and sometimes it might take a lifetime or two to get yourself in that position to do that. But today, we are looking at just releasing that totally so that you are no longer karmically connected to lower energies.
Perhaps people call this the true detachment because you do not karmically remain connected to those who have hurt you. Now for this part of this exercise, I am going to ask Helio-ah to lead you into her healing chamber, where she will give you instructions on how she can help you release karmic attachments in this lifetime. I am Juliano.
(Chants “Helio-ah, Helio-ah.”)
Greetings, my dear beloved starseeds. I am Helio-ah, one of the commanders on the starship Athena, and my mission is devoted to working with you in healing modalities. It is my pleasure, then, to lead you on this special exercise to my healing chamber, where I will be giving you instructions on releasing karmic attachments. There always is this question: Are you ready to do that? That is something that you will have to ask yourself. But let me just point out that releasing the karmic attachments has many benefits to your personal health and wellbeing. It also has many benefits to you on your soul journey. Your karmic attachments can take up precious time and cause you to focus on acting them out for revenge, for example. Paying back people that hurt you can slow down your soul work, and in some cases even prevent you from ascending.
When I offer this perspective, then people are eager to learn more about how to release karma. Now, remember that in releasing the karma, it is two ways. First, you can release the karma that you may feel towards wanting to seek revenge or hurt somebody else who has hurt you. Secondly, also you can release the karma where others, for one reason or another, attach themselves to you, and therefore want to hurt you.
In this exercise, you are going to be able to release both types of attachments. There are people in your life now that you might have interacted with in other lifetimes, and for whatever reason, they became attached and karmically involved with you. It is possible that you might have hurt them, or they might have projected pain onto you. It does not matter. Now in this lifetime, they can be karmically attached to you, and they could be trying to drain your energy. So in this exercise, we look at releasing those karmic attachments. Remember, in doing this, you will no longer be subject to their negativity. At the same time, their attachments will come back to them and make them a little more confused. That is their problem. We are here to clear you of your karmic attachments.
So take three deep breaths. Go into a state of spiritual relaxation. This is actually a deeper state than physical relaxation, because you are transcending the physical body and relating yourself to your soul body. Go into that state of spiritual relaxation where you have access to your spirit body, and I want you to use your spirit body to travel with me to my starship. Your spirit body will listen to the commands that you give it during this exercise. I send down a corridor of light over each of your rooms, and now command your spirit body to leave your physical body and enter this corridor of light. You are now inside the corridor of light, which is connected with my starship Athena, and travel now at the speed of thought, through the corridor of light to my starship Athena. (Chants “Ta ta ta….”)
You arrive at the starship, and we are in my hallway of the starship Athena, and we walk to the right to Helio-ah’s Healing Chamber. Enter now Helio-ah’s Healing Chamber, a large room filled with blue and green light. There is a spiritual, higher light frequency in the entire room. You feel an immediate state of relaxation on a soul level. Take a seat in a chair. There are at least 100 reclining chairs in this room, and each chair has a lever to the side where you extend it all the way horizontally, like a bed, and you are now lying horizontally.
This chair can spin, and I will be commanding the chairs to spin at different speeds. What you need to understand is that as you are spinning, you will release the structural thought patterns that are associated with any karmic attachments, either those karmic attachments that other people placed on you, or karmic attachments that you have placed on them or other people. As the revolving on these chairs accelerates, more of the structure of these karmic thought patterns will be released, and you will experience a sense of freedom, and you will have more room in your consciousness for other subjects and other matters.
Let us begin and remember, as this this chair is revolving, there will not be any dizziness on your part that you will experience. The revolving begins slowly. (Chants “Oh oh oh.”) I bring the speed of the revolution of the chair up to the next level, level two. You are spinning rapidly. Now you are ready to go to level three. And at level three, you begin to experience the loosening of the karmic thought patterns, either coming from other people or attachments that you are sending out to other people. You feel those thought patterns loosening. We go to chair revolving speed number four. At number four revolution speed, send these commands to your Subconscious regarding these thought patterns. Your commands will now be received and acted upon. Use this affirmation for the commands: “I hereby give permission for my Subconscious mind to release all karmic patterns that are of lower vibration and are harming me in any way.” Focus on that affirmation as we go into silence. (Silence)
You are still spinning at a high speed. (Chants “Helio-ah.”) The karmic thought patterns are still loosening. Now we are at level four spinning. The thought patterns connected to the karmic attachments are now leaving your energy body. The thought structures are flying away, and your aura is free from these karmic attachments. (Chants “Helio-ah.”) The spinning now is up to level five, and we are releasing not only karmic attachments now from this lifetime, but also any karmic attachments that, for any reason, could be attached to you in the next lifetime, which means that if they are released, then you do not have to come back to play them out. So you can say: “I give permission to any karmic attachments that are of a lower nature and not for my highest good to be released from any future lifetimes.” Focus on that thought now, as we go back into silence. (Silence)
I, Helio-ah, say that we are at level five, and now I am taking you up to level six. We have no words to describe the clearing that you are now experiencing. This spinning at this level is a very high cleansing and multi-level, including clearings from this life, past life and your future life. All attachments that are unnecessary are released now. (Helio-ah speaks Arcturian sacred words: “Esto, moleha, ish, ash, goli, Helio-ah.”)
Now you are clear. The aura is clear of all attachments that have any negative or lower energy impact on you in this lifetime. I begin to bring the revolving chair back to level five speed, now level four speed, level three, level two, level one, and now the revolving chair stops, and you push the lever, and the chair returns to the upright position. You are now sitting upright.
You stand up, and you literally are lighter in both ways, lighter in terms of feeling a lighter spirit, but you are also brighter energetically, and you are vibrating at a nice rhythmic speed, and you experience a new rhythmic energy. You stand up out of the chair, walk down the hallway as you leave the healing chamber room filled with the Arcturian blue energy light, and enter the corridor of light from which you came and travel now, at the speed of thought, back into your room on Earth. (Chants “Ta ta ta….”) You arrive now, and you are six feet above your physical body, and you reenter in perfect alignment, bringing your cleansed and freed aura of karmic attachments, free of all karmic attachments, into your third-dimensional body. Your third-dimensional energy field integrates this energy, and you are upgrading, updating this new energetic process and update now.
Very good. I am now going to introduce you to Sananda, who is going to finish this lecture, and you may integrate and process the free space you now have in your energy field, as all these structures related to the karma are now released. You are in a perfect position now to receive new instructions and information from Sananda. I am Helio-ah. Good day.
Shalom. Shalom. Greetings, I am Sananda. I am also known on the Pleiades as Emmanuel, “He who is with God.” That is the translation of the name Emmanuel. You, all my friends, are moving to that condition (being close to God), and part of my mission is to guide you on that path, especially through the Ascension Light.
Now the Ascension Light is a frequency of light that is available now on the planet. Most people cannot see the spiritual energy and light. It is beyond the normal perceptual spectrum. This is comparable to X-rays. X-rays are at an electromagnetic frequency that the human eye cannot see. But the X-rays can be seen by sensitive instruments. For example, there are X-rays that are given off by stars, and scientists now have special telescopes that can see the X-rays and show you through photographs what it looks like if you had the perceptual vision to interpret and see the X-ray.
The Ascension Light also is not visible to any human eye. You can, though, see the effects of the Ascension Light on people, because they begin to glow when they receive it. You know, my brother Moses was on Mount Sinai, and he was in the Ascension Light. The Ascension Light accelerated his energy field, and when he came down from Mount Sinai, and the people saw him, they could not believe the brightness in his aura, and they had to shield themselves from his energy. His aura became so strong that Moses had to cover his face from them as a way of protecting them. He had to wear a mask or a veil so that they would not be overwhelmed by the light of the ascension that he had just experienced.
Maybe you now would like to have that same level of Ascension Light as Moses had. That level of light is reserved for certain time periods, and you have to be at a high spiritual level to integrate this kind of light. You are working towards that level now with your ascension work.
I am pleased you are working towards the Ascension, because you want to integrate the Ascension Light into your energy field. And then that activation light will magically transform all of your energy field into the highest frequency so that you can ascend. You are not going to have that intense level of light in today’s exercise.
Now we are talking about ascending on two levels. One, there is a temporary ascension. And this is something that Moses experienced when he was ascending. Even though he ascended, it was for 40 days and 40 nights, and then he returned to the Earth. There is also the second type of ascension where you go up to the Fifth Dimension and you do not return to the Earth. That is the level of ascension that I am sure you want. One requirement for that type of ascension is that you have to be karmically free to experience that level. You have to release the karma, as Helio-ah has described today in her exercise.
As you are sitting in place wherever you are on the Earth, hearing my words, visualize that I am standing over you. Remember, I am multidimensional, and I am able to be in all places at all times simultaneously as I so desire, and I am in each of your rooms, standing over you now. My hands are open, and I am sending you a stream of Ascension Light that you can use and integrate into your spirit body now on the Earth, We will go into silence as you receive this light. (Silence)
(Chants “Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Emmanuel, of the Ascension Light.”)
A stream of active light from the highest strand of ascension is now in your aura, and it is raising your spiritual energy field, especially since you have freed so much space by the release of the karmic attachments in today’s exercise with Helio-ah. (Chants again “Emmanuel, Emmanuel sends you the Light of Ascension now.”) You are great, O Dear One, Forever. I am Sananda, and I return you now to Juliano. Good day.
Greetings, I am Juliano. You are now back into your physical body. I think these exercises that you participated in today, with Helio-ah and Sananda, are good examples of spiritual work. I am happy that the Ascension Light is flowing so easily, and that you are open to this process, and that you feel safe, protected and trusting enough in yourself to be open. You have spent a lot of your time in your spiritual study focusing on the Fifth Dimension, and you have come to us, the Arcturians, because you know that we are fifth-dimensional. We are not interested in darker energy or lower energies, but we only want to help you raise your Spiritual Light Quotient towards the Fifth Dimension.
Let us talk for a moment about how to release the karma of a planet. Let us say that we have successfully released the karma that you have. Would it not be a great victory to be able to release the karma of the Earth, especially the negative karma of the Earth, so that the planet would not be so bound up with the wars and destruction that are occurring and that are greatly accelerating the mass extinction? We can perform exercises to accelerate the karmic release of the planet. It does require global participation, and it does require intense thought exercise. It does require a readiness and willingness for the country we would work with to want to release their karma.
It does not matter which side of the karma you are on. You could be on the side that is giving out the negative karma, or you could be on the side that is receiving and suffering from someone else giving you negative energy. Whatever side you are on means that you are still involved in the lower energy of karmic attachments. You can release both types of karma.
Now you as the Group of Forty, and as starseeds, have an advantage in that you have a direct relationship with the Earth that allows you to talk to Gaia. An important part of the release of the karma on the Earth depends upon interacting with Gaia and interacting with the Noosphere. The Noosphere is the Collective Subconscious on this planet that stores both negative and positive energy. You also have stored energy in your soul consciousness from other lifetimes. The Earth and individual countries also have karmic soul memories that contain attachments.
Releasing country karma and planetary karma may feel like a task that is beyond your knowledge or expertise or power. Planetary karma is also related to galactic energies. Other beings may have interfered in the Earth process and evolution, adding their karma to the Earth process. But the first step of the release of the karmic attachments for a planet begins with the interaction that a higher, spiritually advanced group, like yourselves, that have a close relationship with the Spirit of the planet. And right now, there are few, if any, other spiritual groups on the Earth that are wanting to interact or even know how to interact with the Spirit of Gaia towards releasing the karma. Releasing planetary karma is an important step for the healing of this planet. I look forward to continued exploration of exercises for planetary release of karma, and this is one of the strongest interventions that you can make towards the planetary healing. So, in the light of the blue healing energy of Arcturus, I bless each of you and send you my best wishes for health, happiness and fifth-dimensional activations. I am Juliano. Good day.