December 2, 2017
Arcturian Group Thought Fields
Copyright © 2017 David K. Miller
All Rights Reserved
No part of this may be reproduced in any way without the prior written consent of David K. Miller,
Founder & Director, Group of Forty |
P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians!
In this lecture, I want to take a look at the thought field work that we are doing, and also make some comparisons to the cosmic thought fields. These cosmic thought fields exist throughout the galaxy. In addition I want to look at the global thought fields. There are many groups that meet together and hold a particular energy for a thought form. Some of these thought form groups are religious groups; others are more non-denominational, and there are also thought field groups that are specifically designed for healing.
In particular, we are aware of a Taoist practice in the study of Chi Gong (Qi Gong), which is called “Chi-Lel”. (Author’s note: see book 101 Miracles of Natural Healing by Luke Chan, Benefactor Press) What is noteworthy about Chi-Lel is that the healing energy work is on a multi-cosmic thought field level. The practitioner of Chi-Lel is doing certain Taoist postures while simultaneously connecting with cosmic group energy. Throughout the planet, groups of Chi-Lel practitioners around the globe are helping to create and maintain a healing group thought field for all practitioners. This has great significance and symbolic meaning for the work that we, the Arcturians, are doing with the Starseeds.
One important point about the Chi-Lel practice relates to connecting with the universal thought field of other practitioners. This means that when you are practicing
Chi-Lel, you are both individually searching for your connection to higher energy and light, and you also are connecting with the group thought energy field around the globe. By connecting with the group energy, you will find a stable, consistent and enduring energy field that is available to anyone who seeks it out through the practice. This has great benefits for healing experiences on an individual basis. By connecting to such a universal group thought field, the practitioner can achieve higher level healing that would not be possible on an individual basis.
It is also noteworthy that in this particular practice, there is a deep desire and a necessity for connecting with universal cosmic and galactic healing light. It is astounding and eye opening that these practices go back 2,000 to 3,000 years in ancient China where they originated. This means that the ancient Chinese philosophers and practitioners knew about universal cosmic energy and the importance of having a direct connection during one’s exercise practices and meditations. In fact it was their belief that healing can be accomplished and accelerated when one has the universal cosmic connection.
With this information, let us look at the thought fields in our Arcturian work. There are several observations that I want to make about the group thought fields in general that exist on the Earth. The first observation is that there are non-denominational thought fields and there are religious thought fields; both are using the same principle. You probably are familiar with many religious thought fields. They include the well-known religious groups throughout the planet, such as Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Jews and other groups.
Each of these groups have certain requirements for participating in their thought field. These groups have the ability to form an expectation for members both in this lifetime and also in the coming lifetime. This certainly gives you an idea of the power that a thought form has, for religious thought form can carry on from one lifetime to the next. It is possible to belong to the same religious group in one lifetime and also in a previous or future lifetime. The same principles that apply to the Chi-Lel groups also apply to all spiritual groups, that is, that you are able to gain more energies from the group thought form than you would be able to gain individually.
But of course we, the Arcturians, are more interested in what I would describe as the non-denominational thought form for several reasons. First of all, we are seeking a truth and an energy that is based on cosmic principles that are universal. We do not want to set any limitation in the Arcturian groups regarding our thought field energy. For example, in an earth based spiritual or religious group that has limitations, you have to accept a certain person as the only giver of truth, or you must follow certain practices and laws rigidly. If those laws are not followed, then you cannot participate or sometimes even expelled from the spiritual or religious group. This could mean that you would not be able to reincarnate with that group during the next lifetime..
We prefer the concept of a group thought form open to universal cosmic energy. The Arcturian group thought form, which is based on universal cosmic energy, has several advantages over other forms. I think it was this thought group that even attracted you to our teachings and our work together. There are several interesting characteristics in our thought forms that are advantageous to you. For example, participating in the Arcturian thought energy field enhances your ability to be connected to galactic spiritual energy with Fifth Dimensional energy and higher consciousness.
The second point is that it is often more beneficial to participate in a thought field at the same time with other, like-minded Starseed members in the thought field group. Certain times can be set up where everyone agrees to participate, and at that time, the thought field itself becomes stronger, and those who participate feel a greater activation.
The third point is that there is a sense of timelessness about the Arcturian thought field group. Even though you may not be able to meet at the same time due to various geographical time differences, nevertheless it is still possible to feel and experience an upliftment with other Arcturian participants. Time is relative, and therefore there is often what we call a window in the group thought field energy. We acknowledged this window in some of our earlier meditations where we recommended that we setup a window from Friday evening to Sunday night. You would be able to participate with the Arcturian group members during this window. Those who wish to cooperate and work within that group would have a choice of meeting anytime within that weekend period. The thought energy field was set up with the window that extended from Friday evening to Sunday evening. This means that you would experience the same power on Friday evening as another person would experience in the group on Sunday morning. Both group members would experience the same powerful effect because the window had been established to hold this energy.
The next point in these thought fields is what I call “remote energy”. Remote energy refers to thought field energy that is sent out or received far from your physical presence, and therefore, it is called remote. The energy could orignate in another city, and just as easily it could also come from another planet, or it can be in another part of the galaxy. You may already be aware of the principles of remote healing. In remote healing, there are high energy healing possibilities that are received from healers who are at a very far distance from the healee. However, even though the healee is at a far distance from the healer, the power of that remote energy healing is strong.
There is one clarification on remote healing and remote energy work that I must point out: remote energy work and remote healing is always more beneficial if the person who is receiving the remote healing knows that the healing energy is coming to them in this time or in the window of that time. Secondly, the healee should agree to receive this remote energy healing. If they do not agree, then the resistance around their energy field can be strong enough to repel any positive healing light. It is still possible to send universal healing light to people who have not agreed, but it will not be as strong or as effective as would be the case if they agreed to the healing experience. There are some interesting variations on this theme. There could be situations in which people are in need of healing and many people wish to send that person healing energy. Thousands of people around the planet may be sending them light. It would be better if that person would have to agree to receive that healing energy from them.
The idea of the Arcturian healing energy group is focused on Arcturus and connecting your thought field to our powerful healing sources. We are seeking to attract those people who are interested in ascension and in the Fifth Dimension. We are working with people who are aware that this lifetime on the earth has the potential for graduation from the earth incarnational cycle. This means that they can complete all of the work and energy that is needed to accomplish in this lifetime, so that they can graduate from the earth experience and go into higher evolutionary, planetary experiences beyond Earth.
The Arcturian experience is centered also on the transition that you go through in the ascension process. In that transition, you “transmute” yourself in full awareness to the higher realms and enter a stargate. That stargate is a unique and powerful spiritual station which offers one the opportunity to participate in choosing their next lifetime and their next incarnation. The choices in that stargate are multidimensional and include choices to go to many planets throughout this galaxy, and in some cases, planets in other galaxies. This means that in that experience of going through the stargate, you consciously choose where you go in your next incarnation. For example, you will have the ability to decide if you want to go back to the Earth or to the Pleiades or to Antares or to Alano.
This opportunity to enter the stargate is a great reward, a great elevation. Not everyone has that freedom or that privilege to be able to go through the stargate. Going through the stargate is equivalent to the spiritual power and the energy of the Ascension. In fact, ascending is part of the requirement for going through the stargate. Only those Starseeds beings that are ascending can reach this point at the stargate and take this opportunity.
The Arcturians are sending out the vibrations and the energy for spiritual tools and spiritual opportunities. Part of the Arcturian thought field energy rests on a calling out to other Arcturian Starseeds on this planet. This calling out again is like the group practice of Chi-Lel. In the group practice of Chi Gong and Chi-Lel you want to set up an energy field with other Chi Gong, Chi-Lel practitioners. You can participate together with other Chi-Lel practitioners in a gigantic energy field that will accelerate and amplify your personal healings while you are doing the specific postural exercises in the practice of Chi-Lel. The power of the healing and the Chi-Lel then rests partially in your ability to connect to universal group energy. Connecting with universal Arcturian energy likewise is using the same principle. We need a way in which we can connect the Arcturian earth Starseeds, so we created a special Arcturian thought field for the Starseeds on the Earth.
Our Arcturian thought fields which we created that are entirely new energetically on the earth. But there are also old, ancient and powerful thought fields from Ascended Masters throughout the galaxy. There are even other thought fields now that are being sent to the earth from other, higher civilizations. For the Arcturian Starseeds group, we have created this thought field that transcends many of the limitations of the Third Dimension. Our Arcturian Starseed group is non-denominational. To participate in the Arcturian group, then, it does not matter what previous religious group or experience you have had. Our basic core paradigm is the Sacred Triangle, which includes the teachings of many Ascended Masters, both on the Earth, in the Fifth Dimension, in the angelic world and in the Native/indigenous world. There are star-based spirituality groups. I frequently refer to those groups as the Star Masters. In the working of the Arcturian Starseed Group it is necessary to find practices and ways of accelerating and amplifying the fifth-dimensional connection with the group.
What special tools have we offered to accelerate the Arcturian thought field energy experience on the Earth? One primary tool is the use of the Arcturian Crystal Lake. The Crystal Lake has a huge energetic crystal that is truly remarkable and unlike any other crystal on the Earth. This crystal that is one mile deep, but more importantly, we are talking about a crystal that is truly multidimensional and has the strength and ability to attract higher thought forms from many different dimensions. One of the more important aspects for you is the 1,600 people who are in their fifth-dimensional bodies sitting around the lake meditating. There are 1,600 Arcturian earth based Starseeds who are meditating and receiving the intense energy from the etheric crystal at the Crystal Lake. They are all in their fifth-dimensional bodies
You could also do the meditation with the Arcturian thought field work on earth. We have been working with that in part through the establishment of the 12 etheric duplicate crystals throughout the planet. We have led visionary and prophetic exercises in which Arcturian Starseed groups sit around Mt. Shasta, for example, or Grose Valley, Australia, or Bodensee, Germany. In those exercises we ask people to project their astral body to those Earth power spots.
Visualize that you are sitting around the Bodensee (located in Lake Constance, in southern Germany) in your etheric body above the lake. Visualize that you are sending out the calling to other Arcturian Starseeds, and they are joining you in a group meditation. This exercise can be done at any one of the 12 etheric crystals.(author’s note: here is the list of the 12 etheric crystals downloaded by the Arcturians and the Starseeds around the earth: Lago Puelo, Argentina, for example; Volcan Poás, Costa Rica; Copper Canyon, Mexico; Mt. Shasta, California; Mt. Fuji, Japan; Bodensee, Central Europe; Istanbul, Turkey; Lake Taupo, New Zealand; Grose Valley, Australia; and the crystal in Canada, Lake Moraine; Serra da Bocaina, Brazil; and Montserrat, Spain). The calling and the energy healing potential though is most powerful at the Crystal Lake on Arcturus.
I will lead you in an exercise which is called traveling to the Crystal Lake. In this exercise you are going to have a new awareness and a great experience of connection to the Arcturians for personal healing. Remember, the Crystal Lake is in the Fifth Dimension. It is an Arcturian Lake that is especially set up for the thought field energies of the earth Arcturian Starseeds. We have created this place for your safety and the ease of your traveling interdimensionally there. By traveling there and working within that thought field, you will be able to find ways of connecting with the higher Arcturian thought field energy and with other Arcturian Starseeds on the Earth. The ability to connect with the higher Arcturian thought field energies is enhanced in the Crystal Lake. This means that you are able to experience higher levels of healings, higher group thought and meditations with increased success when you are in the Arcturian Crystal Lake. The success and power of your connection in that thought field group increases as we, the Arcturians, participate with you. We participate in several ways:
- First, we have helped set up this place so you can travel there,
- Secondly, we provide corridors for you to travel to the lake, and
- Third, we control the intensity of the energy by either raising or lowering the crystal.
The higher the crystal is raised out of the water, the more intense the spiritual light and energy that is being sent out. We try to calibrate the intensity of the energy being sent out based on where you are and how much you can absorb. Oftentimes, we do not make a determination about how high to raise the crystal until we have everyone together in the Crystal Lake. Then we are able to do a better assessment of the needs and make the correct calibrations. An important point is to understand that all the work that is done in the Crystal Lake has an effect on your third-dimensional existence on the Earth.
Before I start the exercise of going to the Crystal Lake, I want to say a word about the other thought forms in the Arcturian thought field. We have the general Arcturian thought field energies. We also have specific thought field energies related to some of our teachers, such as Helio-Ah. Helio-Ah has been working with a special group of Starseeds who are interested in her healing techniques. Her healing techniques are based on concepts that we call holographic energy. She refers to it as “heliograpic energy”. Some of you have already been activated and feel how she has been working with you. There are specific groups within the Arcturian Starseed framework who are more attracted to working with Helio-ah.
There are also earth Arcturian Starseed members that are attracted to the Arcturian spiritual master Tomar and to his temple healing work. Tomar is a spiritual teacher and one of the keepers of the Arcturian temple work. He has set up a special group for the Arcturian Starseeds on the Earth. These Arcturian Starseeds are often traveling interdimensionally to his temples on Arcturus. These are special temples, and the ability to meditate and connect with higher light within the temples are truly remarkable. These sacred areas of Tomar’s temple are more powerful than any temple that you have ever experienced on the Earth. You can imagine the most sacred and holy temple you have ever been in on Earth, and then imagine something even ten times more powerful.
Let me begin the exercise now and lead you in the thought field of the Arcturian Starseed group to the Crystal Lake. Know that your fifth-dimensional body is already there around the lake. This is important information. As you are traveling with me, you will come to the lake and find your fifth-dimensional body, which is there waiting for you.
I begin the exercise with a tone and sound to provide a clearing of your energy. (Tones “OOOOOOOHHHHHH, OOOOOOHHHHHH.”) Become aware of yourself in your room; then close your eyes. The room that you are in begins to spin around in a beautiful circle, and you experience no dizziness as the room spins. Instead, the spinning of the room allows your spirit, also called your astral body, to gently leave your physical body and go to the top of the ceiling in your room. Image and visualize this to the best of your ability. If you are not able to visualize it, just repeat these instructions by saying them softly within your mind.
The corridor at the top of the ceiling opens up to an Arcturian blue corridor. You are now connected to the Arcturian thought field, so it would only be natural and comfortable for you to easily see this corridor opening. Travel into the entrance of the corridor. When you go through the entrance, you see Juliano (myself), Tomar and Helio-Ah waiting for you. Choose which one you feel most comfortable with at this moment. Take their hand or my hand, and together we travel through the corridor at the speed of thought. This is a corridor that goes through the Third Dimension and the Fourth Dimension. We do not stop at the Fourth Dimension; we will go on to the Fifth Dimension directly. (Tones “Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta” several times.)
It is so beautiful to travel through a corridor at the speed of thought, which is much faster than even the speed of light. And we come to the final destination of the corridor, and we see below this beautiful lake with a dome over it. It is the Crystal Lake; sometimes we also have called it the Crystal Temple.
You see the magnificent, sparkling light from the crystal even though the crystal is underwater. It is still radiating a powerful healing, spiritual light that is brilliant, penetrating and also relaxing. You go through the dome of the Crystal Lake because you can travel through it in your etheric form. You see the 1,600 Arcturian Starseeds who are incarnated on the Earth and have their fifth-dimensional bodies around the lake. Intuitively, you see your fifth-dimensional body. Go there. Go to the place that is directly above your fifth-dimensional body and stand or be approximately six feet above that body. Take a moment to find and align yourself.
Now at the count of three, drop yourself into your fifth-dimensional body. It will be a smooth transition. One, two, three. You are now totally in your fifth-dimensional body, and you notice that you have a multidimensional awareness that you did not have in your Earth body. You see things in dimensional and visionary states that you have never seen before. Your vision is so much more powerful. Your knowledge of yourself and your soul dramatically increases in this state. Your powers of healing dramatically increase, and most important, you are able to feel and experience the collective thought field of the 1,600 Arcturian Starseeds that are here now. Some of them are present and some of them are only in their fifth-dimensional bodies without their third-dimensional counterpart. But you are here in both states. You are here in both your fifth-dimensional and your third-dimensional selves. You have the heightened ability to connect through this powerful, collective thought field of the Arcturian group of 1,600 Earth Starseeds. (Chants “Eyeyey” several times.)
I, Juliano, raise the crystal out of the water and allow it to come up above the water. The feeling you experience is comparable to the overwhelming and remarkable excitement you would have if you were out whale watching, and suddenly, a huge whale jumped out of the water in a beautiful, dynamic movement. This is a partial description of the effect of power of this crystal. It is now 100 feet above the water, 200 feet above the water, and now 300 feet above the water. (Chants “OOOOOOHHHHHH.”) It is emanating fifth-dimensional light in a 360-degree space. Each one of you is just bathing in this healing, powerful, fifth-dimensional light from the crystal. Now, we will go into silence as you each are blissfully integrating yourself with this energy and light. (Silence)
The power of the crystal is intensified in two ways. The first is by raising it out of the water, and the second way is by increasing the intensity of the brilliance of the part which is already out of the water. I, Juliano, am increasing the intensity of the brilliance. Use this intensity and receive it in your Third Eye. Use this energy to more directly experience the benefits of the Arcturian thought field group of 1,600 Arcturian Starseeds who are participating in their fifth-dimensional bodies around this lake. For those of you who feel a special connection to Helio-Ah’s group and to Tomar’s group, please take this opportunity to connect with this subgroup in the Arcturian 1,600 Starseeds. There will be great benefits for you to connect. (Chants “OOOOOOOHHHHHH.”)
Gather healing light and higher thought forms from this crystal. Now you can return to the Earth. We are going to begin the journey back to the Earth. I want you to bring with you as many spiritual energy qualities that you are able to receive and transfer back to your third-dimensional body. Receive now in a special way the energy gifts of knowledge, healing and higher thought forms which are in a special format enabling you to bring them back with you to the Earth.
I, Juliano, lower the crystal back into the water. I see all of you shimmering brilliantly in your fifth-dimensional bodies. I see this huge energetic connection in this beautiful circle around the lake emanating unity of consciousness and unity of light. Prepare to leave your fifth-dimensional body on the Crystal Lake on Arcturus, knowing that you have made a powerful thought connection which you can return to energetically at any time while you are on the earth.
Raise your spirit body out of the fifth-dimensional body. I see that as you raise yourself out of the body, your astral body has a brilliance of light that it did not have when it came here to this exercise. You rise up now above the top of the lake. Travel over the lake and see myself, Helio-Ah or Tomar, whoever you desire to be with. Meet with us and we will bring you back into the corridor. We are all together in the corridor, and now we travel, at the speed of thought, back to the earth. (Chants “Ta ta. OOOOOOHHHHHH.”)
We come through the corridor at the speed of thought, and you are back above your room in your brilliant, dazzling astral body filled with fifth-dimensional light. This astral body goes six feet above your body, and you say: “I will re-enter my body in perfect alignment at the count of three.” One, two, three, now, re-enter in perfect alignment. Take a deep breath.
I am truly amazed at all of the healing light and higher thought energy you have been able to bring back with you from this experience. Most important, you are bringing down the powerful connection to the Arcturian thought field group. In unity and Starseed brotherhood and sisterhood, I welcome you into the thought fields of the Arcturian. I am Juliano. Good day.
David K. Miller
Founder / Director
Group of Forty