Automatically Speaking –
The Ascendant Masters Are Working with YOU!
Interview with David Miller
By Emma Rigge
“Everything that is happening on the planet is moving towards what we view as an evolutionary leap.”
– Juliano, speaking for the Arcturians through David Miller
The ability to channel Spirit is easing into the realms of normal behavior for many people. David Miller says that the ascended masters are working with all of us at this time.
His teaching about how to channel is of particular importance as it lays emphasis on the need for discernment and the need to educate ourselves on the nature of channeling. David is a scholar and translator of cosmic dimensions, and has been working directly with ascended masters for over 12 years. Effectively he has been downloading the codes and material that will help humanity to ascend to the next level of being – the fifth dimension.
In this interview, he gives the readers of Spirit of Ma’at access to his techniques for channeling that are clear and dazzlingly rich with the energy of love and exuberant light.
Emma: Could you share with us how you teach people to channel?
David: I recommend that you put yourself into what I call a light trance. Trance is a type of self-hypnosis, in which you are putting yourself in an altered state of consciousness. There is light trance, and there is deep trance. A deep trance is where you go out, where you are almost in a somnambulant, or sleep, state, which is the way Edward Cayce used to channel. I don’t recommend it.
I suggest going into a light trance, and the way I do that is by using a chime, and then I also chant a couple of words, for instance, I use the word “Shalom,” because it has the “om” sound. Since I’ve been doing this for such a long time, it’s enough to put me in another state, and then I start connecting.
Channeling can be compared to a hose — you turn the faucet on and try to get water out. But when you first start to channel, the hose is contracted and you don’t get enough water out. The more you practice the wider the opening of the hose gets, and then the more information comes out.
Even when you first start to channel you are making the connection. But a lot of people say, “Well, I’m not sure it’s a deep connection,” or they want to start channeling these fantastic things where they make all kinds of predictions and things.
I advise them, “Make the connection and then practice, so that you can make that hose wider.” Then you’ll start getting more information and energy through it. That’s when you start thinking about accuracy. You have to release this censorship within, because as soon as you start censoring — “Oh this isn’t true, and that isn’t true,” — then you’re going to close the hose off again, and the flow will be constricted.
Emma: Do you have any effective ways of turning off this censorship voice?
David: I say, “I’m letting go of that.” Sometimes it comes back, and I’ll say: “Well, I’ll deal with it later, because I’m doing this right now,” and then I just tell myself to let go. When you’re in light trance, you feel as if you’re still there present, but you just step out of the way and put your ego aside. So I try not to control or censor the flow.
Sometimes I’ll be channeling for people, and information comes through that I don’t want to tell the person — for example, when a person is really sick and what was being channeled was that they won’t recover.
Generally speaking though, I have trained myself to make a separation between the censor and the channeling, then I just step aside, and put any criticism aside, too, for it to be looked at later.
But it is a big issue, because a lot of people I have talked to, who do channeling or try to, become so critical of what they’re doing that they constrict the flow. So, the first thing you need to do is keep the flow going, because if you constrict it, you’ll never get beyond the initial stages of the experience.
Emma: Would you say a person is called to become a channel, or can anybody with the intention or desire start practicing it?
David: Not everybody can be a channel. For example, my wife is an artist and she channels art pictures, whereas I’m not an artist and I can’t channel that. However, I have a good way of speaking, I’ve done a lot of public speaking in my life, and I have an interest in words. I channel healing energy through words.
So I would say everybody has a certain gift for connecting with Spirit, and some people can do it through channeling, or through art, or through their hands, like Reiki or touch for health. It depends where your proclivity is, and what your particular gift is.
Some people say, “Well, I tried it, and I just can’t do it.” Maybe this person’s gift isn’t for doing art, maybe it’s working with the hands. Everybody has their own gift, but not everybody is probably going to be able to channel.
Emma: Are there different levels of information coming through channeling?
David: It depends upon which types of energies you’re trying to work with. To be a channel you have to acknowledge that there is another reality, and then you have to acknowledge that there are beings in this reality, and thirdly you have to acknowledge that those beings want to communicate.
So the levels of knowledge are based on whom or which entities you are working with. For example, I’ve heard some people say they wanted to channel Elvis Presley, and maybe some were doing that, but what level of wisdom would you be getting from somebody who was not a very enlightened person in his lifetime?
Emma: So can a person choose a particular entity that he or she wants to communicate with, and by that way become the channel for them?
David: Yes, I work with ten or fifteen different entities. On certain occasions, I choose the ones I want to work with. Sometimes I don’t work with particular ones for a long time. I work with a rabbi, I work with Arcturians, I work with Chief White Eagle, a Native American energy, and I also work with another energy that is called a Soul Psychologist Vywamus.
I have favorites that I enjoy working with, but at other times, depending also on the energy that I’m working with for the people involved, I may get a boost from them, and connect with that other energy that I am speaking about.
Sometimes, in the beginning, these entities would choose to come through, rather than being called to come forward. You can open yourself up and ask which one wants to come through. It is all based on reciprocity, and I think of it as telepathic communication, as a spirit temporarily entering your energy field.
Emma: So, when you channel, are you working on a particular level in terms of the subtle bodies, and the chakras – are there particular energy centers that are being accessed?
David: I use another perspective – that of the Kabbalah – the lower self, the middle self and the higher self. I connect with my higher self, which has the ability to act as an antenna to connect with other beings. So I say it’s connecting with my higher self – through the crown chakra. Mostly it is using third eye, crown chakra energy, and sometimes heart energy. I channel one energy called Chief Buffalo Heart that basically uses heart energy, and sometimes the energy is very moving. The people with whom I’m working, who are listening to Chief Buffalo Heart, begin to cry because he is able to connect to the heart energy very well.
Emma: How can a person who is just beginning know that the information that they are getting is valid or correct?
David: Well, you have to use discernment, but, as I say, discernment doesn’t come until after the session is over, when you take a look at what they have said. Then you have to validate it. Just because it’s channeled doesn’t mean that it is right.
You asked me what levels a person can access – well it depends on the level of the entity you are connecting with. The only way that you can be sure of bringing forth good information is by connecting with the higher energy.
I’m not interested in channeling spirits of the dead. You see a lot of that on television, but it’s not an interest of mine. I am more interested in connecting with what I call ascended spirits or higher spirits.
Still, when bringing forth information for others, about their past or about their life problems, how can we know the information is correct? Often the person receiving the information will say, “Yes, that’s right; I knew that.” So you get validation from them.
A woman I met today was being told certain things about her energy, and she said, “I sensed that, but I wasn’t sure, so after I heard it from you, I knew I was right.” That’s validation, but as I often say, if there has ever been a perfect channel in the last 2000 years, then it is probably Jesus. No channel is going to be 100% perfect or accurate.
Emma: Presumably a lot depends on the expansiveness of thought or mind of the channel as to how full a picture can come through?
David: Yes and no. Remember that Edward Cayce was channeling information about reincarnation and Atlantis, and he was also doing remote healing, while not believing at all in this in his regular consciousness. The beauty of channeling is that you can go beyond your own range of abilities, because you are connecting with another energy.
Emma: Do you have any cautionary comments for someone who is just starting out?
David: I think it is important to have protection, because you don’t want to attract lower energy spirit. Everybody is different -I may wear a Star of David, or I may say a special Hebrew prayer. Also I try to call in and choose a higher energy of the fifth-dimensional or ascended master energy.
I also recommend that beginners be around people who are sympathetic or supportive of their endeavors. Maybe later on it doesn’t matter so much, but if people are very critical and trying to bring you down, that’s going to make it much harder.
Emma: How did you discover this technique?
David: Well, I developed it myself about ten or twelve years ago. I didn’t really have any teachers. I am a student of ancient Jewish mysticism, and I had been studying how some of the ancient rabbis used to do it. But they didn’t really explain their technique; they just explained that they were doing it! They called it automatic speaking rather than channeling, which is a new twentieth century term.
There is a history of channeling in Jewish mysticism that is pretty well established in the literature. So it’s not something that developed recently – this is something that some of the ancient Rabbis were doing.
I also went and studied with a channel for about a year, and watched how she worked. As I watched her, it occurred to me, “I could do that.” So I watched what she was doing and maybe used some of her energy to get myself started, but then I practiced techniques a little different from hers – this woman does all her channeling with open eyes – I do all mine with closed. If I open my eyes, it’s too distracting.
The other thing I would suggest to people starting out is to go to high-energy spots. I went to the North Rim, in the Grand Canyon — it’s a very high place at 8,000 feet, physically as well as energetically. I went to a place called Sublime Point, which was quite a long drive. You can imagine how beautiful it is just by the name.
Overlooking the Grand Canyon, I just started spontaneously talking to my wife and telling her about her past lives, and it just kept coming. It was very encouraging. By the time we got back into the car, I was still channeling while driving. That was the first experience I had with it.
Emma: Were you told who was giving you this information?
David: Yes, I was told it was my own personal guide — a rabbi called Nabur. I have mostly just accessed him for myself, and occasionally for other people. But usually, the people I work with are not so interested in Jewish mysticism and Jewish thought, so I don’t bring them through very much.
But he was the one I worked with mostly in the beginning. He said that he was a teacher of mine in another lifetime, and that’s why he was working with me now to help me with this.
Now I do readings for people who have certain issues or questions about themselves or their life, and want a reading about it. I go into light trance and I channel a reading for them. It’s almost like a psychic reading.
Emma: So the information you get can be very specific?
David: Yes. I do different levels of channeling, I can do personal healing channeling, and I can do group channeling, and lectures about ascension, extraterrestrial masters, and the fifth dimension.
Besides channeling words, there’s also channeling where you just bring down energy, which you are then able to emit to a group. This energy usually comes down when I’m emitting a sound or tone. I believe that sound and tone are very healing.
I was working with a woman this morning, and I said, “We are going to remove this thought that is imprinted on your subconscious so that you can be clear of it. The energy is starting to come into your unconscious now and it’s purifying it.”
She said, “I feel it.” Sometimes just saying the words is enough for people to access the energy; sometimes I use my hands to accelerate the energy around them, too.
Emma: After all these years of channeling, is it possible that you are acting as a channel even when you are not consciously channeling?
David: Sometimes I get information in my sleep, as my wife tells me, and sometimes I wake up and start channeling and then go back to sleep, and forget everything, but she remembers what I have said.
A couple of times, I’ve said: “This is Ashtar” (who is one of the guides I work with). During my daily life, I do get messages for people, but I have to be discriminating because I’m not necessarily in a higher state of consciousness and my ego might get in the way. So it’s more difficult, and I trust things more when I’m in an altered state than when I am in the conscious state.
Emma: On a personal level, how has channeling affected your life?
David: Being a channel has helped me to raise my level of consciousness, and I’m interested in channeling from many aspects.
From a psychological aspect, it encompasses ultimately the altered states of consciousness, and channeling is an altered state of consciousness, which I’ve been interested in all my life. The long history of channeling in our society going back to the Greeks who went to the Seers and the oracles – it just goes on.
The name “channeling” itself is not complimentary — it has certain connotations attached to it, and there probably needs to be a better way to describe it. One alternative I sometimes use is “automatic” writing or speaking.
On a personal level, it has helped me to connect with spiritual forces and spiritual energy. Even though it’s better to be rested and prepared, I have had times when I have been off-center and emotionally unprepared, but went into the channeling state anyway and was still able to access this energy. So, after a certain time, you can really get into this state of consciousness even though you’re not mentally prepared.
Nevertheless I try to be well-rested, and maybe beforehand read the Bible or kabalistic ancient Hebrew text – or meditate or play music to put myself into that state.