Starseeds are people who have or are born with the awareness of galactic consciousness. Starseeds may also have memories of past lifetimes on other planets and feel connected to civilizations of other planets, such as the Pleiades or Arcturus. Some Starseeds have come to Earth at this time to assist her in this evolutionary transformation.
The Group of Forty is a concept of group consciousness suggested by the Arcturians for our use in the Ascension process. According to the Arcturians, 40 is a spiritually powerful number. The Arcturians emphasize the value and power of joining together in groups. A Group of Forty consists of 40 different members who focus on meditating together at a given time each month. The Arcturians asked David K. Miller, a channel and author who lives in Groom Creek/Spruce Mountain near Prescott, Arizona, to establish and organize 40 of these groups to assist in the healing of Earth and provide a foundation for individual members’ Ascension. Group interactions and yearly physical meetings are recommended. Members agree to assist each other in their spiritual development.
The organization has drawn about 1,000 members from all over the United States and Canada, as well as Australia, Argentina, Spain. Mexico, Turkey, Brazil, France, England, Japan, Romania, New Zealand and Germany. At a specific hour during the meditation time, David channels messages from the Arcturians for group members and a monthly newsletter is sent out with a transcription of that month’s channeled lecture. A group coordinator arranges other group activities, such as planetary healing and group meditations. Additionally, members are encouraged to meet other members — either by phone, letter, online or in person.
In chapter 15 of Connecting with the Arcturians, Juliano explains the power behind the number 40.
The goal of this project is to establish a network of Forty Groups of Forty throughout the world. The formation of forty groups will enhance the energy of all group meditations, provide powerful Earth healing energies, and aid all members in raising their consciousness to the fifth dimensional level. Each Group of Forty will provide the basis for building the energy necessary for group Ascension.
A group of forty is a unit of consciousness created to build up the necessary energy to ascend. Forty as a unit is important, because it provides the energy frequency and the energy acceleration needed to move into the fifth dimension. Clearly, it will require a great deal of energy for you to move into the fifth dimension.
Imagine, if you will, that you must travel in a space ship to a distant star. In order to get to that star, you must travel at the speed of light, or as close to the speed of light as you can. We know that a tremendous amount of energy is required to accelerate and to travel a great distance − energy that is still beyond the reach of your scientific community at this time (although they are not as far away from this accomplishment as you may think). Likewise, it requires a tremendous amount of spiritual energy to actually skip the fourth dimension and go directly into the fifth dimension from the third dimension.
It will be possible for a few special individuals to generate enough energy to ascend to the fifth dimension and the Arcturian Stargate without participating in a group energy. However, a group energy will be required for the great majority of Starseeds and Lightworkers. It would be extremely difficult to generate that kind of spiritual force by yourself. However, as a group of forty, you can!
Further more he explains that:
Our work with you is leading to a point that could result in a planetary intervention. Cosmic assistance, or a healing force, can be generated for the entire planet through our interactions with you. We are not here to rescue you, but to help you enhance, or amplify, your healing energies. You all need such a focus and direction. You now understand the necessity for an interactive network of groups, and how this interactive network will allow us to work with the Earth without incurring any negative karmic side effects. Most of all, you should understand how respectful we are to you and this planetary healing process.
What is going to happen is that the forty groups of forty are going to be so powerful that one group will be able to ascend. When that one group ascends, thirty-nine groups will remain. Then, another 40th group will form. Thus, the groups are going to move in and out. One group will ascend and another group will form and take its place. This will be the group ascension pattern. We want to explain that there will also be other simultaneous Ascension points, or waves. It is possible that all could ascend at a certain point. However, all of the forty groups will not go in the first wave. This is important: the groundwork for further ascensions must be carried on. As one group ascends, the responsibility for further group ascensions will be immediately transferred to the other groups.
The formation of the 40 Groups of Forty establishes a pattern, or flow, of prospective Ascended Masters to enter the Arcturian Stargate. It is a group connection that will be impervious to all negative energies and to all assaults on the dimensional framework of the Earth. The mission of the Group of Forty is to prepare for Ascension and to establish a consistent support for the third dimension by assisting in planetary electromagnetic gridwork and the creation and maintenance of interdimensional corridors.
We are convinced that working with Groups of Forty is the most direct, personal and powerful way to assist you. We want to emphasize the word personal, because we are very much interested in each of you personally and the personal challenges you face. We are interested in helping you do whatever it takes to accelerate your growth. Thus, we are not interested in working with 1,000 people at once, but rather in working with smaller groups. We are demonstrating our personal involvement with you. We send down the silver gray light into your pineal gland. Let that point in your pineal gland be an access for higher mental clarity. I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians.